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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Upton April 2021

What opportunities is God providing for you to serve? God has empowered every believer with His Spirit to obey the command to serve, both in the church and in the world. As the Apostle Paul says, “ Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them ” (Romans 12:6). Rafiki seeks to serve Africans by helping them know God and raise their standard of living and thereby equipping them to better serve God and contribute to their communities. One of the main ways we do this is through the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) teacher training colleges.

In the RICE Program, students are led in studying God’s Word, provided with courses in the liberal arts to supplement their education, and trained in using the classical method of education. Classical Christian education is the time-tested method used by the Church throughout the ages, and it teaches wisdom and virtue and instills love of the true, the good, and the beautiful, while providing tools for life-long learning. As such, we believe it is one of the very best ways to educate people according to a biblical worldview in order to equip them to serve in God’s kingdom.

Rafiki has already begun to see the fruit of the RICE Program. After graduating from the Rafiki Village Liberia’s teacher training college last year, Matthew was hired by the Rafiki School to be a special education teacher. Peter has completed one year in the teacher training college so far; he too has been working at the Rafiki School. Both of these young men actively serve in a young church recently planted across the street from the Village, a daughter congregation of the Duazon United Methodist Church. Matthew and Peter participate by reading scripture, ushering, and praying. Recently, while the pastor was away, Peter served the church by preaching God’s Word to them.

Matthew (left) and Peter (right)

I am so excited that I will get to serve in the RICE Program and help train up African teachers who can take quality education into their own communities and participate in transforming Africa for Christ. It is such a sweet blessing to be able to partner with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to do the work to which God has called me. Through your generosity, I have now received over 85% of my total two-year support budget! Praise the Lord for providing and so clearly confirming that this is where He wants me.

Prayer Requests:

- God will bring more students to Rafiki’s RICE colleges.

- God will continue to use Rafiki to equip people to serve Him.

- God will give me wisdom and direction as I continue with preparations for the field.

- God will help me to raise the last 15% of funds I need.

To donate online:

- Go to

- Click on “Our Missionaries” from the home page.

- Type in my name and follow the link under my name to give. (You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation.)

To donate by check:

- Make checks out to The Rafiki Foundation and put my name and missionary number (256) in the memo line.

- Mail your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis FL 32727.

If you think your church would be interested in hearing about the work I will be doing with Rafiki, I would love to come and share. As always, if you have any questions or want to know more, please reach out!

Thank you for your support!

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