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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Ugandan Lemonade

Ugandan Lemonade

Since early June, the country of Uganda has been under a lockdown because of COVID-19, which means that the Rafiki School has not been in session. From the start of the pandemic, the missionaries and national staff at every Village have faithfully endeavored to continue providing some form of education and training to the students during school closures. The Rafiki Village Uganda is no different; they have put in great effort to ensure that this most recent lockdown has not gone to waste. The resident students are engaging in a multitude of enriching activities.

During the recent visit from a team of Home Office staff, the students put on a display of all that they have been learning and creating. The rhetoric class gave presentations, and the orchestra played music. Other students showcased their skills in tailoring, embroidery, paper-bead making, and art. Some students have been participating in science projects, such as making a miniature water fountain and building robotics. One set of students has formed a club to read and discuss Tabletalk magazine. Several groups of students showed their sports achievements, and the chess club competed with each other. The resident children have also been engaged in learning about their culture and developing their ability to garden and care for animals, like the baby bunnies they bought to display.

The young man who was MC of the event introduced their projects by recalling the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” He invited the Home Office team to enjoy the students’ lockdown ‘lemonade’. These young men and women have truly made the best of their situation as they eagerly seek to continually develop and train their bodies, minds, and hearts.