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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Solomon Oct 2018

Dear friends and family,

First, I would like to thank all of you who have continued to walk with me throughout this process. I have learned much about God, myself, and the power of community. I am thankful beyond words. 

This past month has been filled with Gospel-centered conversations about Africa. I was able to visit the youth at my home church, Sale Street Baptist Church, and explain to them what missions looks like, consists of, and the beauty of God carrying us through things beyond human understanding.

Curious Students
A few of the most curious students

I was also able to speak with a few members of Mount Olive Baptist Church about Rafiki, missions, and what God has called me to. They were so warm and welcoming. I find that people get antsy and uneasy when we talk about financial partnership; that did not happen here. It was encouraging. We worshipped together through prayer and God’s Word. It was beautiful. 

Pastor Braylon Harris of Mount Olive Baptist Church

I recently found out that I have 50 percent of my monthly partnership committed! This leads to my departure date being the week or so after Thanksgiving. I will be serving in Nigeria as the Primary School Headmaster and Assistant Dean of Rafiki’s Teachers College. I will have time with family, and a bit more time to raise the funds necessary for a full term (24 months). I am so excited to finally have a time frame in mind, and share it with you!

On October 13, I will be hosting a fundraising auction at Lake Charles Toyota and would love to have you there. If you are not local, I have a few people volunteering to live stream the event! It is free and the perfect opportunity to invite family and friends who you think may be interested in joining us. Be sure to mark your calendars! Thanks again for your support and constant encouragement!