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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Solomon Ishaku November 2021

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 16:24-25).

This is our school-wide memory verse for this week. I wrote those words on the cover of my journal exactly three years ago this month. I had grown anxious about the move to Africa. Now, to hear them being recited by our third graders from my office window is a sweet confirmation. As we inch our way into the end of 2021, I am reminded of God’s provision and care throughout this year and am confident He will do abundantly more.

One of our former graduates has done great things in the realm of photography. As of late, he is experimenting with drones. He and a friend got this aerial shot of the Village. The photo at the top of this newsletter was taken right after our last big rainstorm, so there is still green grass and the dust hasn’t covered our rooftops. You can see each part of the Village: the housing, farms, schools, my office, and even playgrounds. In September, we were finally able to have a graduation ceremony.

In July and August, we had a bit of tribal unrest and the students missed almost three weeks of school. We thank God for His protection, and the ability to celebrate this accomplishment with the graduates, staff, and families. It may seem silly, but in just three years, I have watched them grow. They got taller, their voices got deeper, but most importantly, they began to understand their need for God as the center of their lives. Help me pray that they will stay steadfast in the pursuit of godliness.

Our new session started in October and as a gift to the students, the teachers sang our weekly hymn to them at assembly. They were like local celebrities. It reiterated the truth that in the classroom, we become models for our children. They not only look up to us within those four walls, but they also stand alongside us in all that we do. How necessary, then, is it that we reflect Christ? There was lots of cheering and endless

Everyone seemed to enjoy a look inside the first grade classrooms, so I thought I would give a glimpse of the middle school too. Our teachers have their own “Staff Room” where they can lesson plan, study, and prepare for each class. The classrooms all have at least one map, a flag, and a storage shelf for books because lockers are not common here. The students love their purple and are insistent about it not being changed any time soon!

We recently had a Celebration of the Arts with our Secondary school. Art Club, Band, and Homemaker’s Club all brought a bit of their work and shared it with the Home Office, RICE students, and staff.

Our school has quickly grown. When I first came in 2019, we had just under 260 students. Even after the COVID shut down, civil unrest, and economic declines, our numbers have grown to 313. Most of them are from the neighboring villages, and all from different tribes and walks of life. Additionally, we now have over forty teachers. I am overwhelmed at the opportunity God has given me to share the truths of the Scripture and model His good grace to everyone I meet.

Please join me in prayer:

  • That God would protect us from the tribal unrest as it comes.
  • That God would provide the teachers we need to make up for recent resignations.
  • That the graduates would seek an undivided devotion to the scriptures.
  • That our missionary team would work well in communicating and implementing the needs of the Village.
  • That God will provide the sponsors I need to continue in this work.
  • All 250 Rafiki Day Students to have sponsors and be fully funded soon.
  • For generous giving to the Africa Expansion Campaign. Rafiki is entering a season of exponential growth. We anticipate the thousands that Rafiki is currently ministering to across our 10 countries will turn to tens of thousands. To meet these new opportunities, we are asking God for a 25% increase over Rafiki’s current annual budget which could increase Rafiki’s impact 10-fold.

Note : Rafiki is now able to accept non-cash gifts such as real estate or estate bequests. Contact for more information.

We are currently $1,000 short of our monthly goal to maintain 100% funding. If you are a financial partner, please consider printing a few newsletters and sharing them with people you think would be interested. If you are not, please pray that God will give you discernment and a will to join us in this ministry. There are times when I want to quit. My flesh is incapable of doing this, but with your prayers, support, and God’s grace, He has kept me. Please pray He continues to keep me.

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