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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Solomon Ishaku March 2021

I have truly tried to keep you more in the loop, as time goes on this year. Although I may not send you something every single month, as often as God allows, I will sit down, pray for each of you, and shed light on the wonderful things He has been doing in Nigeria.

I am encouraged in the truth that nothing being done is out of personal strength. We are blessed by the presence of the Spirit in us. He is our Helper, our Advocate, our reminder of the explicit truths of Scripture. My husband Ishaku and I have had late nights of prayer and plea over our future and what is to come in our service to God. He has shown Himself present in the power and peace of the Holy Spirit. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26). I pray He gives each of you the same guidance.

We have two weeks left before break! The students are still eager, excited, and loving school! I guess being home for ten months does that. Field Day is slowly approaching and it is easily everyone’s favorite day of the term! We will go out, have snacks, play games, and celebrate a successful closing of Term Two.

We’ve elected a head girl and head boy for the year, James Saleh and Anna Alto. They are two of the most curious, driven, and loving children. They were nominated by their teachers, wrote application essays, went through interviews, and made their case for why they should lead the middle and high schools. I cannot wait to see what they do for their school. If you, or someone you know, are interested in sponsoring them or any of the other children within the Rafiki Foundation, visit our website at .

Our maintenance team has been up to their necks in remodeling, and I am eternally grateful for their dedication to service. They are still transitioning the cottages to classrooms, and every day, we see beauty unfold. They have broken down walls, re-built them, changed flooring, updated electrical wiring, changed piping, re-painted the interior, and much more. I will be sure to share with you all the final products in our primary (elementary) school classrooms. We are blessed to have a team of men who not only do their jobs well but do them for the Lord! Excellence shines through and He is surely glorified.

Ijah working on the wiring

We have a set of RICE (Rafiki Institute of Classical Education) students preparing to graduate from the teacher training college. They have studied for three years the ins and outs of classical Christian education from early childhood to primary level six. They are completing what’s like student-teaching within the next couple of weeks and hopefully I will have space to hire a couple of them at the school!

Hannatu doing her in-class training

Many of you know, but some may not, I first joined the Rafiki Foundation in 2018. Since then, I have had partners come and go, and I am no longer 100% funded. It was tempting for me to grow anxious and worried about what is to come, but Ishaku reminded me of the power and provision of our Father. If you feel called to become monthly partners with us, please do not hesitate to email me at Even if you have a few questions, feel free to reach out. If you are currently a financial partner but are interested in the opportunity to share with your church or organization, please contact me. We can get you all the tools you need!

We are grateful for your prayers and constant encouragement.

Prayer requests:

God’s intervention over nearby tribal unrest.

• God’s intervention over senseless kidnappings.

• Discernment as we make decisions for our family.

• Our marriage to continue to reflect Christ and the Church.

• Our resident children as they transition out of the Rafiki Village.

If God prompts you to share this newsletter or any other information to help extend our financial partnerships, be sure to reach out.

We love you!

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