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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Solomon Ishaku February 2021

Hey there family and friends!

Happy New Year! I know last year’s “Happy New Year!” was a bit more dramatic with the wedding announcement, but I am confident that just like then, God will continue to do marvelous things in our lives. Acts 16 reminded me that our Father has the power to convert and change all people. Lydia, the wealthy, cosmopolitan business owner, the disinterested Philippine jailor, and the teenage slave girl being used by her master were all taken up under His wing and transformed by the power of His love. Take rest in the fact that you are not an exception to that indisputable grace.

Then he [the jailor] brought them out and said, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ And they said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household’ (Acts 16:30-31). Amen!

We have fully resumed school! I cannot put into words how grateful we are that God moved the Nigerian government to reopen. COVID-19 cases are low in our state, and we are taking the necessary precautions to keep it that way. Before the students returned, we had quite the arduous teachers’ in-service week. As an end-of-week celebration, they, alongside our teachers-in-training, had a friendly football (soccer) match. Aunty Barsheba was our secret weapon and the best cheerleader ever! She teaches in the pre-school and is a breath of fresh air to anyone she meets. I tell her often that her joy reminds me of my Mama’s. She also helps in the elementary school with elective classes and read-alouds. Things have been tense, but it was nice to think less of what could be and bask in the beauty of what is.

Our secret weapon!

We are closing week four of the nine-week term. The students are still eager to be back, and we pray that excitement does not fizzle out. They are acclimating to class with facemasks and socially distant learning, but those smiles peek out often! More than anything, they have raved about the Rafiki Bible Study. They have genuinely missed studying God’s Word with one another and are happy to be back.

Happy to resume Bible study!

Ishaku has had the opportunity to create more wooden home décor. Initially, it was hobby, but this week, he got a contract and buyers in town. They were interested in the “farmhouse” and “distressed” look that he enjoys creating. God is truly providing! It got so busy that he needed to hire help. He has been intentional about using this work as a ministry and mentorship to the young man eager to learn. Here are a couple of samples of their most recent work!

We are grateful for your prayers and constant encouragement.

Prayer requests:

God’s intervention over nearby tribal unrest

• God’s intervention over the senseless kidnappings

• Our ministries at the school and work

• Our marriage to continue to reflect Christ and the Church.

• All the people serving alongside us (staff, missionaries, expats. etc)

• That the true gospel will permeate the hearts of many

If God prompts you to share this newsletter or any other information to help extend our financial partnerships, please don’t hesitate to reach out. A few of you asked about writing letters or sending “house warming” gifts to us. If you would like to send anything, email me and I’ll get the information to you!

We love you!

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