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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Smith Sep 2018

Smith Sep 2018

As I reflect back on this last month, all I can say is God’s faithfulness astounds me. In this season of preparation for Uganda, I have been far from faith-filled. I have been anxiety-filled! I have been worried about all the things I have to do. Worried about how I am going to raise funds, how I will start a prayer group, how I will be prepared to do my job in Uganda. Amidst these anxieties, God has shown Himself so, so faithful. Right as I was wondering how I could possibly get past the 50% mark with my funds, I received an email saying I was up to 80% funded! Then as I was stressing out over who I would ask to be a part of my prayer group, a college friend emailed me asking if she could commit to regular prayer for me. 

In my struggles, I looked to the story of the Exodus. I knew I needed to see a real-life example of how God provides for His children. I expected to be encouraged at God’s faithfulness to His people when He delivered Israel from Pharaoh by parting the Red Sea. But instead of showing me the miracle of the Red Sea, God revealed His tender care of the one He called to lead Israel: Moses. Here was a man full of doubts, anxiety, and insecurities. Moses gave excuses in response to God’s requests: “I am a nobody. No one will believe me. I can’t speak well!” He questioned God’s purposes at the first sign of opposition. Yet God met each excuse and doubt with compassion. He showed Moses amazing displays of His power, and even provided someone to speak for Moses. And he kept reminding Moses, again and again, of His promise to be faithful. 

In showing me this story, God was revealing His faithfulness to me right now. My journey to Africa has been filled with excuses and doubts. Moses’ excuses reminded me of my own: “I’m not good enough to be a missionary. I don’t want to go. I can’t do this job!” But even as God showed me that I really was called to go and filled my heart with joyful anticipation for this task, I have questioned His ability to provide for all my needs. Yet His faithfulness remains. I am truly awed and humbled by His goodness. 

In this goodness, He has provided me with a plane ticket to Uganda for October 4th! This is only three days after the date that I announced in my August letter. As I write this newsletter, I am very close to my goal of $22,304! It is really a miracle that He has provided this so quickly. It is very clear that He really wants me there! All I can do is praise Him for His faithfulness

I would so appreciate prayers as finish up preparations. Please pray I would keep trusting in God’s faithfulness in this next season of my life. If you feel led to give, there is still time to help get me to Uganda! I would be honored to have you on my support team. Check out my page at 

Thank you for supporting me in any way, whether giving, praying, or reading this newsletter. I am thankful to God for each one of you!