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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Ritter Sep 2018

The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:12).

President Weah with Rafiki Staff

In our last newsletter, we mentioned how the power of the enemy is strong, but our Lord is stronger. As the entire Village continues to study the Book of Romans via our Rafiki Bible Study (RBS), we are reminded again to put on the armor of light so we can cast off the works of darkness. We were able to shine that light recently. During the Rafiki Home Office visit, we were able to meet with Liberian President George Weah. Karen Elliott was able to share about the work of The Rafiki Foundation in Liberia.

Honor Roll
Honor roll lunch

To encourage good grades, we have tried various approaches to encourage the kids to study. This term we gave honor certificates to the resident mamas who had kids on honor roll in their cottages. The mamas work hard to make sure their children study. Also all resident kids who made honor roll were treated to a special lunch of a shawarma and a pop. This was a big hit and others may be striving to get a shawarma next term. We also hosted a simple party for the class with the highest GPA. Grade 4 in the primary school won this award. They took a break one afternoon to enjoy some popcorn and a movie.

Best GPA
Grade 4—the class with the highest gpa

We were happy to welcome our newest teammate recently, Asher Eagleman along with his mama, Brittany. Daddy, Jeremy, had arrived back a week earlier. Jobs have been reassigned so that Brittany can adjust to being a mama and can focus on Asher. Please pray for Jeremy and Brittany as they adjust back to Liberia and adjust to parenthood. Also pray as they will be running the Village while we go to the U.S. for our furlough. Our other teammate, Christie, will also be taking a break in the U.S. at this time.

The Eaglemans
Our newest missionary—Asher Eagleman

We are very excited to host our first team from our church, Lakewood Park Baptist Church in Auburn, Indiana. We have a lot of projects lined up for them to complete. Please pray this is a beneficial time for the Village, for us and for them.

We will be in Indiana the month of October. This is a time we are mainly planning to focus on family, friends and rest. We will have time for meals and to meet up with friends. Please contact us if you would like to get together.

Grace and peace,