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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Richards November 2022

“Then I will compensate you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten … And you will praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; Then my people will never be put to shame” (Joel 2:24-25 NASB).

Beloved partners in the continuing miracles and blessings in Malawi, Africa,

Merry Christmas! As Christendom turns to the joy of celebrating the Advent of our Lord Jesus, we are eager to share with you the joys we are experiencing in the miracles and blessings abounding at Rafiki Village Malawi. Where to begin. Well if you recall, in our last newsletter “Mountains of Miracles” we reported on five miraculous ways that the Lord had recently answered our prayers, including the salvation of several of our Rafiki orphans and the re-commitment to Jesus of many more. We teased the possibility of a sixth miracle. And we are overwhelmed to report that Miracle Number Six has arrived! Thanks to the generosity of your sacrificial giving, our Replacement Missionary Vehicle Fund had grown to the point that we could begin “shopping” in a country with very limited possibilities. But early one Saturday, Jay’s assistant called to say he had located a 14-years-young Ford Explorer in the capital city recently arrived from South Africa. After a frantic day of telephonic negotiations, a fitness inspection arranged by a trusted friend in the capital city, online banking transactions, etc, that Saturday closed with the Lord favoring Rafiki in taking possession of this good-condition blessing. Thank you for making this possible!

The next blessing: since the period of intentional spiritual renewal meeting we held and the large response of our young people to the Truth of the Gospel, we have witnessed the start of a new school year with peace and brotherly love abounding. Our headmaster and missionary partner Anna reports that it has been almost like heaven. Students are much better behaved, the teachers are rejoicing in newfound respect, and Shalom has permeated the campus.

The next blessing: with the arrival of ten thousand donated books on our recent container shipment and Maureen’s work encouraging the Rafiki Mothers to read daily in their cottages, we are transforming our Village into one with a culture of character growth through reading. Kids are discovering Homer, Bodie Thoene, J.R.R. Tolkien, Helen Keller, Joni Eareckson Tada, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and others. Literacy has been ignited in our kids, with twenty at a time lining up on a Friday to ask advice from Maureen or Anna as to which book they should devour next over the weekend.

Teacher Vinjeru and Pinocchio. The puppet and the book arrived in our container. Vinjeru fabricated the nose!

Ten thousand new books for our libraries!

The next blessing: One of the first students to graduate from the Rafiki teachers college (RICE) under Maureen’s tutelage as Academic Dean was a young lady named Memory. She was hired into our school where she served for two terms. Then she got married, followed her new husband to the opposite end of Malawi, and was hired to teach by a school there. Here is a note she sent to Maureen, whom she calls Mum, “The owner of the school here is just amazed with my teaching. All I can say is RICE is great! Thanks to you for helping us each and every day. My life is a testimony today because of RICE and you, Mum. You are sent here to Malawi as an angel for me and you are a blessing to me. Thanks be to God and thank you for praying for me. I love you Mum.”

Rafiki staff and Teacher Memory at her wedding

The next blessing: In November the students of Rafiki Class of 2022 held their commencement activities, received their high school diplomas, and departed from the only home they have ever known—the third group to do so here in Malawi. Wow, what mixed emotions! The testimonials that they shared at the rehearsal dinner and during the commencement give evidence of changed hearts as they expressed gratitude for their godly upbringing and education, and admonished each other to hold fast to Jesus while launching out into the wilderness. Pray with us that they do hold fast to Jesus and that they follow their individual calling in alignment with the Rafiki vision—To cultivate a multitude of godly contributors in Africa.

Class of 2022 and their Rafiki Mothers

The next blessing: You! Your commitment to partnering with us by prayer and/or financial support has and is being mightily used by God. Jehovah has taken your blessings and, in His might and wisdom, transformed them into blessings for our dear African Brethren. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Praise that our partner Anna has fully recovered from debilitating Typhoid. Her empathetic family now call her “Typhoid Annie!” Pray for protection from this ailment, as well as Cholera, for which there has been an upsurge with thousands of recent cases. Also, with the imminent start of the rains, Malaria will be lurking.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the security of the Village and our staff. The hungry season begins with the rains, and some resort to theft and robbery. One of our teachers was recently injured in a mugging.
  • Pray for an ease to inflation, which troubles our staff. A pound of butter costs 11 U$D. A bottle of cooking oil is 12 U$D.
  • Pray for adequate diesel and gasoline to operate the Village. Gasoline is currently unavailable with abandoned cars on the road and long lines at the stations wherever a resupply shipment is anticipated.
  • Pray for our late-November youth rally, that many youths from the surrounding area will come and be transformed for Christ.

Please also pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

With Love: Glory to the newborn King! Hosannah in the highest! Soli Deo Gloria!

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