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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Pederson October 2022

We have been studying Leviticus this school term and I am constantly amazed by how connected the Bible is, and how God has used and is using everything for His glory! Even those old timey festivals pointed to Jesus’ coming.

I have been overjoyed by the ability to see the people at this Village one more time before I leave for Ethiopia in two weeks. When the kids came back from school break, I was amazed to see how all the boys especially had grown! It has been fun to organize some activities for the children. We had a lot of fun playing musical water balloons in which everyone got very wet.

Water balloon fun!

We have been joined by a new couple here, the Cicones. They are both classical Christian educators and have been a huge blessing. Thank God for bringing more qualified helpers to serve!

Back to school dinner with Gwen Cicone

I have continued with reading tutoring here. It has been encouraging to see growth in the children I have worked with all year long. They all are reading much better which is testament as well to how hard their teachers work.

Tutoring a student in reading

As we were learning about the harvest of the first fruits from Leviticus, we had our own celebration here. The whole Village—around 350 people—gathered and harvested maize (hard corn). The first basket from each class was given to the church our resident children go to. The rest will be used for school lunches in the coming year. My twin, Amelie, came to visit me and was able to join in the harvest. Thank God for her visit and the joy she is.

Maize harvest with Amelie

We are currently looking for a librarian to take over for me. P lease pray that God will lead the right person to our gates and that we will choose with discernment and wisdom. Please also pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

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