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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Pederson March 2021

Greetings to you all from sweltering Nairobi,

We have had unexpected rains which has made everything lush and beautiful. As a Village, we are two months into our Genesis Bible study. Genesis is a great reminder for me that God is constantly working in my life, always pulling and calling me back into His righteousness.

We have a very active Scouts group here of about thirty kids. Did you know that Scouting started in Kenya in 1910? During Founders Week, February 22-26, our Scouts cleaned up around the Village, and planted trees at the edge of our football pitch. I got to chaperone the Scouts when they went to the Giraffe Center here in Nairobi. Everyone had a great time seeing a beautiful part of God’s creation up close and personal! Just one tidbit about giraffes—did you know that Kenya is the only country that has three different types of giraffes (Samburu, Baringo, and Maasai).

The libraries continue to be a source of joy for me, as I see more and more children show interest in different books, and we get to work together to find out what they like. I am reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to grades 3-6 with grade 4 especially becoming very engaged in the story. With grades 1 and 2, we indulge in picture books when they come. Last week when I had to stop story time so that they could check-out a book, they all cried “No!” We are expecting a container to be arriving soon with close to 4000 books for the libraries! Please pray for organization of the books, excitement as I sort through them, and for many helping hands!

We have started a reward program within the children’s cottages. This program is a challenge to improve a specific behavior or identified problem in each cottage. Our oldest boys got Coke floats after a month of much improved behavior! After school clubs have started here with the upper primary doing dance or football (what Americans call soccer), and the secondary school doing football or drama. The drama kids are currently in the throes of writing their own play to act out.

Recently, two of our residents got the chance to participate in the Kenyan National Spelling Bee! They placed fifth and sixth respectively out of thirty participants.

An amazing opportunity that came out of that was God placed someone from the Ministry of Sports in the sports and talent sector in my path. He helps schools to intentionally set up sports and talents activities with an end goal in mind. Please join me in praying that Rafiki will be a blessing to him and the Ministry of Sports as much as they will be to us.

Prayer requests:

Please pray for me to develop healthy, meaningful relationships during my service here in Africa.

• Please pray for the children to open their hearts to God and His Word.

• Please pray for a volunteer opportunity to open up for me as I look forward to completing my Animal Assisted Training course.

• Please pray that I will get full funding and create great partner relationships.

Thank you to everyone for your support! Love to you all wherever you lay your head.

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