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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Okoth November 2022

Throughout life people often wonder what God is doing with them, where is He calling, or sending them. We read throughout scripture that our will is often not God’s will—that our desires can lead us astray. However, there are those who manage to live their lives dying to their own will and accepting Gods will. We (Paul and Amber) desire to be such people, to lay down our desires at the foot of the cross and with open hands say, “Lord, your will be done.” By God’s grace, He has worked in our hearts to produce such a response to Rafiki’s request to send us to Uganda at the end of the year. God’s work through Rafiki is leading us to leave Kenya in January 2023 and head to the Rafiki Village in Uganda. Paul will be serving as the Rafiki Africa Outreach Manager and Village Plant Manager. Amber will be serving in the school as the Rafiki Classical Christian School Headmaster and Widows Program Coordinator.

Amber update: Our time serving as a couple with Rafiki Village Kenya has been short, but the Lord has used each of us in various ways. I in the last three years have taken on many roles, from athletic director to the unexpected role of headmaster. I have developed a love for classical Christian education (CCE) in my time here as well as biblical counseling. Through CCE, I have learned to see education in the light of the truth of the gospel in ways that I hadn’t before. In biblical counseling, the Lord has revealed much to me about the heart of man and how the Word and Christ truly has the power to transform and renew our hearts and minds. I have been blessed by many of the people here, the staff, children, teachers, and my fellow missionaries. As much as the Lord has allowed me to serve the people and families of the Rafiki Village Kenya, He has used them to bring me closer to Himself. This week I have been overwhelmed with friends, co-workers, and teachers who have taken time to approach me and share their gratitude, prayers, and encouragement to me and Paul. I am reminded that God is at work in the hearts of man, using us to support, strengthen, and encourage one another in ways that you never know. Pray that I can serve faithfully with a heart full of Christ and less of me .

Friends and fellow Rafiki Missionaries, the Aluvisias

Paul update: I have served as a teacher and coordinator of outreach. I recently assumed the latter position and I look forward to continuing it in Uganda. It has been a fantastic opportunity to travel to many schools to observe their classes and assist them in implementing the Rafiki curriculum, particularly Bible study. Seeing God’s Word taught to people of all ages fills my heart with tremendous joy. I have also enjoyed my time with the boys at the teachers’ college and with the residents. I have learned resilience and perseverance in the faith through my service at Rafiki Village Kenya and I look forward to what more God has to teach me in Uganda.

Outreach schools that Paul works with

We will miss the people here in Kenya at the Village and our Emmanuel Baptist Church family, who have helped us to grow in our marriage, service to the Lord, and faithfulness to Christ. Now we look forward to the transition to Uganda and the new opportunities we will have to share the gospel.

Us with Emmanuel Baptist Church family

Please pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

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