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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nickels February 2021

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (Psalm 118:29).

Greetings friends!

Let’s just start with the best news we have had in a long time; Rafiki Tanzania’s secondary school opened in January of this year. As of the writing of this newsletter, all four levels (Forms I-IV) are studying hard in the Junior Secondary School building and science labs, many with teachers who were trained in our modified RICE Program over the past two years. What a time of rejoicing this is!

Form IV kids lined up for morning assembly

January 11 was the first day of our school year. At that time only our Form I students (equivalent to eighth grade) were able to attend the Rafiki Secondary School. All students who had previously attended the government school were required to report back there until they could be officially transferred. Our school administrative staff put in many hours outside of the normal school day to overcome the various obstacles to this process. After two weeks passed, our Form III students were officially transferred and began their studies at our school. Finally, in the first week of February, the remaining two grades were restored to us. It was a joyful school assembly that morning as we thanked God and welcomed each resident and day student back!

Theresia and her Form II friends

The teachers and students agree that the kids have a lot of catching up to do. Please pray with us that the teachers will be both patient and persistent in guiding their classes through a lot of missed content. Pray that the students’ faith will be strengthened as they see how God is providing for their academic needs and as they re-engage with their daily Rafiki Bible Study. Most of all, please join our family and the whole staff at Rafiki Tanzania in an outpouring of thanksgiving for a successful end to a long journey… and for the beginning of a new educational journey that is full of promise.

Madam Jackline addresses the students

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