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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nelson November 2021

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

In many ways, 2021 was a normal year, but yet the effects of the COVID pandemic are still seen all around us. Nevertheless, as the year winds down, it is good to reflect on God’s continued faithfulness to us here in Ghana.

Please join us in thanking God for:

  • His Word made flesh—Jesus—and the salvation He bought for His people.
  • His Word in print—the Bible—and the ability to study it as a community at the Rafiki Village. (In 2021 we studied Genesis and Matthew.)
  • His wisdom and endurance to face challenges and work through problems.
  • The missionary team He has given us. Kiley is a wonderful teammate and Melissa has been very helpful to the school leadership via Zoom video calls. (And hopefully Melissa will return to Ghana soon!)
  • The Home Office team visit in October after a two year absence. (Their goals were to encourage, evaluate, and enlarge Rafiki’s impact. They succeeded.)
  • The Methodist Church Ghana’s decision to use the Rafiki Sunday School Romans lessons in 2022 for their 4,000 congregations!
  • The faithful preaching of His Word. (We have thoroughly enjoyed watching online sermons as a Village and will look forward to returning to our church here in Ghana as the Rafiki residents return to their local churches in November.)
  • Good health. None of our residents or staff have been severely ill with COVID-19 or any other sicknesses in the past year.
  • The ability to host two senior high school graduations! (The class of 2020 graduation was postponed until May of 2021, and the 2021 class graduated on November 6.)
  • Several of our college graduates completing their year of national service and one-by-one finding employment.
  • Seventeen former Rafiki resident orphans who are either in the midst of their schooling or awaiting the start of their tertiary education.
  • One of our former residents earning his degree in Actuarial Science this fall.

This past year has had its ups and downs for us. We imagine it is the same for you. We pray God has given you the perspective to see His blessing in both the opportunities and difficulties you have encountered in 2020.

Our current term of service will end in December, with your help we are confident our support level will remain strong as we begin our next two-year term. We continue to be humbled by the faithfulness and generosity of our supporters. It is a blessing to partner together with you in God’s work.

Please pray for:

  • Full funding for our next term.
  • All 250 Rafiki Day Students within Rafiki as a whole to have sponsors and be fully funded soon.
  • For generous giving to the Africa Expansion Campaign. Rafiki is entering a season of exponential growth. We anticipate the thousands that Rafiki is currently ministering to across our 10 countries will turn to tens of thousands. To meet these new opportunities, we are asking God for a 25% increase over Rafiki’s current annual budget which could increase Rafiki’s impact 10-fold.

Note : Rafiki is now able to accept non-cash gifts such as real estate or estate bequests. Contact for more information.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

N.B. Approximately 25% of the tractor/mower funds have been given. We would be grateful if you would consider designating some of your year-end giving toward this need at our Rafiki Village. If you are interested, the details can be found here:

Please enjoy some pictures of our life here in Ghana.

Here’s the 8th grade completed batik project which was shown in-process in our September newsletter.

Karen was able to visit with our newest university graduate when she and the Home Office team visited in October.

The couple who are caregivers to our Residence Hall boys welcomed a new baby on October 30. According to Ghanaian custom, the baby was prayed for when she was one week old. Scott was asked to do the honors.

The missionaries were invited to help cut the graduation cake along with the guest speaker.

Ian conducting a chemistry experiment in our kitchen—the joys of homeschool high school!

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