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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nelson June 2020

He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord
(Psalm 112:7).

Surely, a worldwide pandemic will drive a Christian into a deeper dependence on God. Although there is much difficulty in Ghana, the U.S., and the world, here at the Rafiki Village we can see God’s love and faithfulness in our lives.

On the sixth of March, we celebrated sixty-two years of Ghana’s independence with a parade, viewing national festivities on TV, a patriotic chalk drawing contest, and a Rafiki Village football (soccer) game. It was a beautiful day. Nine days later, on March 15, the president of Ghana abruptly closed schools effective the next morning for all students except ninth and twelfth graders who were preparing for national exams. Five days later even those students were told to stay home. The global pandemic and its effects had arrived in Ghana.

This is a group of our resident drummers preparing for the Independence Day parade.

The unexpected break provided the majority of our resident children with an opportunity to spend extra time with their relatives who mostly live far from epicenters and lock-down areas here in Accra. During their home stays, Andrea’s new assistant was able to call the children and their families regularly for updates. The reports were good, and they enjoyed helping their relatives in their farming efforts, household chores, and cooking. They deepened their bonds with relatives, and when the time came to return to the Rafiki Village, they were eager to be back at their Rafiki home. Please thank God with us that most of our residents were able to spend time with family and all returned safely to us. Please also thank God that Ghana’s leaders took vital, early steps to reduce the effects of the coronavirus.

We were able to secure a bus to come to the Rafiki Village and carry only Rafiki passengers—residents and a couple staff members—to meet relatives in central Ghana and return back again to Rafiki a few weeks later.

Schools are still closed here, but our teachers have undertaken providing “e-learning” lessons for the day and resident students. Each day we have a routine of academic maintenance in the classrooms where our resident students work through review assignments focused on strengthening their knowledge of recently taught concepts. Our teachers are also calling day student families to discuss the Rafiki Bible Study home devotion page on the book of James. Please thank God with us that modern technology allows us to receive lessons and our teachers to connect with our day students and their families. Please also thank God with us that the Rafiki Village provides a spacious location where we can learn and play while at the same time keeping ourselves isolated from the outside community.

God is teaching our family a lot during this season, especially patience. Our furlough has been delayed indefinitely. While we wait for favorable conditions to travel, we are embracing different roles. Scott is enjoying teaching the Rafiki Bible Study to our resident senior high students. Andrea is having a ball in the classroom with the primary age students—using skills she cultivated as a homeschool mom and Classical Conversations tutor. And now that they have completed their regular school year, Grace has been assisting in the classroom with Andrea, and Ian has been helping one of our special students practice his reading skills. This unexpected season is providing opportunities for all of us to rely on God, grow our faith, and help with areas of Village life that are outside of our typical duties. Please join us in thanking God for blessing in the midst of difficulty.

Grace and Ian’s schooling continued during the lock-down. Grace let a few kids observe her dissections of a perch and a frog.

During the lock-down, a large K’nex roller coaster was brought out of storage to be assembled.

Andrea with a few of her students.

We want to thank you, too, for your faithfulness in praying for our family and continuing to give generously toward our family’s work here in Ghana. We pray that you and your family are also staying healthy and safe amidst this difficult season.

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