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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nelson Jun 2019

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:1-2).

Dear friends and family,

On school days, Andrea is greeted by dozens of preschoolers reaching out with their small brown hands to touch her pale freckled arm as they pass by. She is standing at the doorway of the school dining hall where roughly 100 day students arrive early to eat breakfast. The students smile and say good morning in their soft soprano voices. Through this daily routine, they are learning to properly greet adults, which is a foundational social skill in Ghanaian culture. With the modest meal, they are filling their stomachs in preparation for filling their minds in the classroom.

The long line of day students entering the Rafiki Village gate in the morning

Our day students are served a small breakfast before school

Throughout the day at the Rafiki Christian Classical School, 154 day students and seventy-nine Rafiki resident students are learning. The preschoolers’ minds are stimulated as they gather in small, active classrooms. They are reading well at a young age. And just like every other class preprimary through senior high school, their spirits are nurtured as they study the Bible each day. Please thank God with us for the opportunity to provide quality education and daily Bible study to all our students, including those from the neighborhoods outside the Rafiki Village.

Our students begin the day with prayer, singing the national anthem, and reciting the Pledge to Ghana

Our Rafiki mothers assist in the classrooms by listening to the reading of day students in our younger grades

Our senior high students are learning keyboarding and online research methods—and enjoying it!

Even as our lower grades are filling with more and more day students, we are celebrating the graduation of four resident young ladies this year. Three will earn bachelor’s degrees, and one will earn a diploma. Please join us in thanking God for the generosity of Rafiki donors and sponsors, the firm foundation of faith which has been cultivated in our Rafiki resident children, and the diligence of our Rafiki Scholars in the pursuit of their tertiary-level education.

Rafiki’s first university graduate, Atarebono, with her brother and cousin who are also excelling in their university studies

A note from Ian: Recently, in the Rafiki School our class has done more experiments in the science lab. This has been very fun for all the students—especially for me. We have done experiments that end in explosions, experiments with mixtures, and experiments testing the rusting of nails. Hands-on experiments and getting to see the practical side of what we are learning is extra fun. It helps keep science interesting.

A note from Grace: In March, we had the opportunity to accompany our parents to Missionary Enrichment week at the Rafiki Home Office in Florida. While there, we reflected on the many blessings God has given us. It was fun for me to meet so many missionaries and talk with them about the mission field and its fruit. I met another Rafiki missionary kid there and laughed with her as we told each other our funny missionary stories. Also, I had the opportunity to work in the kitchen where I met some volunteers and formed a new friendship. Even though some days I wish I lived in the U.S. with my friends, the trip helped me realize that being a missionary kid is God’s plan for me right now. I love Jeremiah 29:11 which reminds me that everything He plans is perfect for me.

Grace will begin her sophomore year of high school in September. What a friend of ours said many years ago is true. The days are long, but the years fly by. Please thank God with us that our own kids are learning and growing, too!

We are preparing to spend several weeks in the U.S. to attend our annual doctor appointments, give a presentation at our home church, and spend time with family and friends. The generosity of our supporters has been so encouraging these past four years. Knowing there are groups and individuals praying regularly for our family has strengthened us, and your generosity has provided for our needs. Our fifth year of service begins in July, and we know God will continue to provide as we continue His work at Rafiki Village Ghana.

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