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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nelson Feb 2019

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of
your wonderful deeds
(Psalm 9:1).

It took a few minutes to find the faint, orange shadow of the moon on January 21. You might have watched the total lunar eclipse where you are too. Here, the totality occurred at 5:12 a.m. As we stood on the Rafiki Road which cuts through the Village, observing the barely visible moon, a night guard walked past. After struggling to point the moon out to him he finally saw it and exclaimed, “Isn’t God wonderful?!” That is one of the things we appreciate here in Ghana. Ghanaian Christians are quick to ascribe to God the beauty they see around them along with the life He daily grants them. Please join us in praying that God will multiply the employees’ and students’ understanding of Him and His Word through our daily Bible studies around the Village.

During Christmas break, it was pretty quiet here. Fifty-seven of our children and youth were visiting relatives at their home villages. Making connections with family is a very good thing for our young people. Engagements and baby namings are just two of the occasions in Ghana where the larger family unit plays a vital, public role. Please join us in thanking God that many of our residents had the opportunity to deepen bonds with their relatives over Christmas break.

Since the children have returned to the Village, Andrea has been interviewing the residents about their home visits. It is a wonderful time to sit with each of them and hear what they were excited about. She also listens for areas of concern which might need to be addressed before the next visit. Thankfully, there have not been any concerns, but there was encouraging evidence of spiritual fruit. One of the young boys shared that he noticed his relatives did not pray before meals. After thinking about it, he asked if he could teach them how to pray at meals, and they agreed! A mealtime prayer may seem like a small thing, but the anecdote gives us a glimpse of the multiplying effect of the God-centered upbringing of the children. Please thank God with us for the opportunity the Rafiki children have to bring God’s light to their relatives.

We recently celebrated the commencement ceremony for our senior high school. One of the six graduates grew up at the Rafiki Village, but the rest are from the community. It was a joyous day as we met their families and celebrated their achievements. Please join us in thanking God that we have the opportunity to educate children living outside the Village. Please also pray that He will multiply the reach of His gospel in this community through our day students.

Dear family and friends, we think of you so often with gratitude. The work here is not easy, but we know that you are joining us through your prayers. And, we know that it is God’s work, and His plans will not be stopped. Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting us. May God bless you richly and give you peace.

gradsMeet our latest Senior High School class who graduated mid-December. They are pictured here with the commencement speaker.

jumping2018 Graduates jumping with joy!

Here is one of our younger girls and her grandma who has recently recovered from being in very poor health.

weavingFour of our residents attend a special education school in Accra each day. In the photo you can see one of the boys practicing Kente cloth weaving. The school made the sashes you see our graduates wearing!

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