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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Nelson Dec 2019

Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15).

The fourth Thursday in November is a regular day here in Ghana. Children and teens attend school. National employees travel to the Rafiki Village from their homes to cook, teach, garden, guard the gate, and much more. Missionaries attend to the normal details of their day looking forward to a Thanksgiving feast two days later.

Thanksgiving season is a joyous time. It is a reminder that when discouragement occasionally starts to creep in, we should do as the hymn writer says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one; count your many blessings, see what God has done.” God’s hand of blessing is evident here in Ghana. We have much to be thankful for. As we enter this season of great joy, launched by a day set aside to be thankful, we would like to name some of our many blessings—one by one.

Please thank God with us for:

—The free gift of grace through faith in Christ.

—God’s Word, the Bible, to study daily as a family and Rafiki Village. Plus, God’s Word is going home each week with the day students as Rafiki recently implemented a home study page for the Rafiki Bible Study.

—A diligent missionary team, which is working well together.

—Quality new teachers for the Rafiki school.

—Consistent water and fairly consistent electricity (and a generator to use when the local power is off).

—A nearby Mennonite church plant that also trains Ghanaians to be auto mechanics. They

repair our automobiles, supply eggs, help with photocopying, and other odds and ends.

—Our church family here in Ghana and in Kennewick, WA.

—Ongoing protection as we travel hazardous roads.

—Our resident children are healthy with only occasional issues, which can be treated at quality medical facilities.

—Ongoing help in many areas from Reverend Paul Fynn of the Ghana Lutheran church.

—A new Internet provider that is fairly stable and much faster.

—Reliable and helpful support from the Home Office team.

—The privilege to attend graduations of three Rafiki orphans who graduated from university in the past year.

—The opportunity to be part of what God is doing here in Ghana.

—Our faithful and generous partners in God’s work here—You!!

December 31 will be the end of our current term of service. With your help we know our support account will remain strong as we step into our next two-year term. Thank you for your faithfulness in remembering us in your prayers and giving. Your generosity is a blessing.

During this season may you be filled with joy as you reflect on God’s indescribable gift to His people—Jesus Christ.

Here are some photos of recent events in and around the Village.

We enjoyed Rafiki Football (soccer) Leagues over the past few months. The winning team, the Aurora Wolves, is pictured here with their trophy.

Although our missionary Thanksgiving meal was two days late, it was still tasty and fun. Now, we even have a millennial team member to handle taking selfies!

Can you find three of our current senior high graduates in this photo taken early in their schooling? They’ve come a long way, and benefitted from years and years of quality education and Bible study.

Here’s our latest group of senior high school graduates standing at the base of a massive tree near the RICE building and auditorium.

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