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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon September 2023

Since it has been a long time from my last update (Sorry!), I wanted to catch you up on a few things that have been happening around here in Rafiki Ethiopia.

Although many of you in the United States have started or are about to start back to school, our school here is only mid-way through the school break. The second semester ended quite successfully at the beginning of July, and it was wonderful to enjoy the blessing of an uninterrupted school year! I know our students benefited tremendously. 

This year’s character award recipients from both primary and secondary school

Smiling first graders with the giant color wheel painted by themselves!

During this school break, I got to enjoy three weeks of time with the resident students. There were lots of games, movie nights, special meals prepared by each cottage, a birthday celebration, and I even got to begin a Christmas choir with any interested students. I know Christmas still seems a long way away, but I wanted enough time to learn some challenging music. 

Enjoying a special meal together prepared by one of the girls’ cottages

Celebrating July and August birthdays with vanilla and chocolate cupcakes that the students made

Christmas choir in July, teaching the singers relaxed vocal technique

Now the residents are again spending time with family or community members until Ethiopian New Year, September 11. It is always very quiet without them here. However, I am far from bored. Esther and I have begun working with our own preschool teachers to give them extra training in classical teaching. This is based on the framework Rafiki has developed for the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE). This Post-Graduate Studies Program will take one year to complete while they continue teaching preschool during the school year. Currently they have a five-week-long intensive term during which they attend classes all day, five days a week. I am really excited that I get this opportunity to teach and guide them. Over the course of the year they will take many courses, including Christian education, language arts and composition, classical pedagogy, art, and music. I even get to teach them an Introduction to Western Music course. It is great to help them deepen their understanding, so they will be more able to teach their own students in the coming months and years.

Once again, I am so grateful for the support you have given me over the years and certainly do not thank you enough! Can you believe I have already been on the field full-time for three years? It has certainly gone by fast. I cannot do it without your prayers and financial support. Thank you, thank you! Unfortunately, I am still experiencing a financial deficit. Whether you are able to begin giving monthly, increase your monthly support, or even just give a one-time gift, it is all greatly appreciated. 

Please pray for

  • me to be fully funded again.
  • wisdom and creativity as Esther and I train the teachers.
  • peace in Ethiopia and accountability for the leaders here.
  • the resident students during their homestays—to be wise and safe.


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