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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon November 2023

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

From darkness to light

Recently, during one of the teacher training classes, we watched a video illustrating the allegory of Plato’s cave, which illustrates several points about the importance of a good education. Notably, he points out that we won’t even know what we do not know until we have someone lead us from the darkness of the cave, with only shadows for truth, into the blazing sunlight of the true world. As I was watching this video with my eight teacher-students, I was struck by the parallel between our classroom journey and the journey from the cave to real world. Every day, I am leading them up those arduous stairs into the light. And although there is not daily evidence of success, I love seeing the joy that illuminates their faces when they understand something.

The preschool teachers helping me clean our classroom for our teacher training program (Post Graduate Studies)

For example, we have a daily read-aloud from Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book. Last week, we came to the part where Bagheera is advising Mowgli to take some of the “red flower that grows outside the men’s huts.” The teachers puzzled over what that flower could be, but finally understood that it was a symbol for fire. An “OH!” came from everyone. They had not ever thought to describe it that way. And is this not what good books do? They open our mind to see the world in new ways! How rewarding to give this gift to these teachers so they can, in turn, give it to their own students. I cannot wait to see where all this will lead!

Joy in God’s creativity

The school year here is finally in full swing and has been for the past month. Praise God with me that the preschool and lower elementary classes are full! We have an average of twenty students in grades one to three, which is up from last year’s eighteen. My art and music students are experiencing the beauty and creativity of God as they learn about masters such as Bach and Kandinsky. They can see lines all around them and create designs with them. They can move musically to Handel’s joyful Messiah. They can hear and distinguish the subtleties of musical patterns with mi, re, do, as well as quarter notes and eighth notes. And most importantly, they are learning to love God by showing kindness and respect to their classmates and teachers. We really have a lot of fun together. Come any time to see for yourselves!

Helping second grade students create symmetrical butterflies

Grade 3 students adding watercolor using batik technique

Join me!

Lastly, I would like to remind you that although Rafiki always takes good care of me, I am still experiencing a deficit in my funding. Thank you to all of you who are generously giving monthly or whenever you are able. However, if some of you are now able to join me financially, it will help cover all my expenses of living overseas. May you all experience the blessings of joining with my work through prayer and giving!


Join me in praising and thanking God for:

  • Another successful processing of my Resident ID Card this week. Our Village assistant said it was the quickest process he’s ever seen for a missionary! I know it was due to both your prayers and our gracious Lord!
  • New godly mothers who have already formed good bonds with the resident students they are taking care of. This is a huge answered prayer.
  • Continued unity among the missionaries here.

Celebrating the residents with October birthdays with fellow missionary Esther

I continue to be amazed that the Lord has allowed me to live and work here in Ethiopia. It is a true blessing to work on the mission field and see His hand working in so many ways. May you be encouraged as well to look for God working in your everyday places and join Him! You will never be disappointed!

Soli Deo Gloria! (Only to God be the Glory!).

Please pray for both me and the ministry here.

  • For more teachers who are both skilled in their work and also committed to the mission here at Rafiki.
  • For the education policy to change here in this country to allow for private schools like ours to freely teach the Bible during school hours and use our own curriculum without limitation.
  • For wise counsel in the leadership in Ethiopia so that conflict based on ethnicity or religion can end, and peace through Jesus can come.
  • That I am once again fully funded.

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P.S. From the Home Office: Sarah presently has less than 50% of her funding needed for 2023.