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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon June 2022

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1-2).

It is so hard for me to believe it was only three months ago that I wrote to you last. Just as the verses in Psalm 121 say, the Lord has truly helped me in countless ways. Now that I am back in Ethiopia, each day is so full with teaching and childcare activities, and sometimes it is hard for me to fit everything in!

Almost as soon as I stepped off the plane, the teachers and students were eager to have me resume teaching! I was happy to oblige. What was most difficult, though, was knowing how to pick up from a 5-month-long gap. My grade 5 language arts students had been learning from national teachers who often have very different ways of doing things. Additionally, the students from grades 1 to 3 were not learning any music while I was gone. Yet, I was so grateful for your prayers! All my students are now ending the school year strong with many new skills added to their repertoires.

It was also so joyful to rejoin the resident children. Eating, sharing, helping, giving advice, and playing with them daily is one of my greatest joys. One of the first weekends after my return, we all got to visit a new museum in Addis Ababa called Unity Park. This beautifully maintained site combines the long histories, rich cultures, and endemic animals (a.k.a. zoo) found throughout Ethiopia. Some of the children had never seen wild animals such as lions, zebras, or ostriches with their own eyes. It was so fun to share in their wonder and excitement. What a delight to spend a whole day with everyone outside the Village gates enjoying each other’s company and making memories together.

Everyone from the Village happy from a day well spent at Unity Park

Enjoying a first time visit to an aquarium at Unity Park

Another joy has been reinstating and maintaining a choir with the residents. Since these older students are not getting music in school (the ongoing scheduling difficulty), I am using this time to not only teach them the skill of singing together beautifully, but also how to sing in solfege (do, re, mi, etc.) and read music. They have already performed for our Good Friday service in April and for the Home Office staff when they visited.

Some grade 3 students enjoying the folkdance “Heel and Toe”

My grade 5 students celebrating after finishing Island of the Blue Dolphins

Now, it is already time for me to return to the States for the annual Enrichment at the Home Office in Florida. I will be leaving next Friday, June 24. After that, I have made plans to be in Massachusetts from July 2 to 17! If you are one of my dear friends who lives in that area, I want to see you! Be sure to contact me now so we do not miss each other!

Thank you all for your continued support. I continually feel the love and support you all give me. May you also be blessed for your many sacrifices you make to ensure this work continues.

Join me in prayer for:

  • A strong end to the school year for all students and teachers.
  • Smooth travel plans to and from the U.S. this summer.
  • Ease for my fellow missionary Esther in obtaining a visa when she returns from Enrichment.
  • Education policy in this country to change to allow our school to be a fully classical Christian school.
  • Peace and stability in Ethiopia where it’s still so torn by conflict.

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