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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McMahon July 2020

My Beverly backyard for the past eight months, soon to be replaced with a view of Africa!

Well, the moment has come that we have all been waiting for… I have a departure plan! I am now fully funded for my first year with Rafiki (Praise God!) and am itching to go serve. Even in light of the pandemic, Rafiki leadership made it quite clear that I am able to go once I am ready.

I have had my share of changed plans and cancellations due to COVID-19. First of all, some of you may recall in my last update that I mentioned a departure date of May 14. However, travel bans and visa delays changed that shortly after. Now with bans being relaxed and countries reopening, there are new possibilities for my service with Rafiki to begin. With that in mind, this is my new timeline:

• Now until August 2—I wrap up my time in Massachusetts, good-byes all around.

• Online commissioning through my church's Sunday service July 26.

•  August 2 - I head out to Africa.

I wish I could be more specific about that last point. Currently, Ethiopia is still closed which prevents me from going straight there. However, Tanzania has opened its borders to travelers and is a viable option for me in the meantime. If another country opens up with greater need for my service, I may go there instead. My personal hope is to simply go and start serving regardless of where I go and what I do. Specifically, I am very interested to start using the Rafiki curriculum and possibly even get the added bonus of observation and guidance before I teach on my own. For now, the plan is for me to travel on August 2 with Rafiki couple Kent and Peggy Martin as they return to their long-term assignment in Tanzania.

So the time has come to make plans to meet! I know this will not look the exact same as it would have without COVID, but there are still many options:

• Outdoor meetings at your place.

• Picnics and walks in outdoor spaces.

• Zoom meetings organized by church groups or friends.

• Any personal Zoom/FaceTime meeting or phone call while we are still in the same relative time zone.

If you do not hear from me in the next week, please contact me so we can set something up. I do not want to leave you out!

None of this would be possible without the Lord using each one of you to confirm my call by supporting me through prayer and finances. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. In the next few weeks, please join me in praying:

1. For the many good-byes to all of you who I love so dearly. I do not want to leave any of you!

2. For countless logistics in moving overseas to be worked through smoothly.

3. For the Lord to go ahead of me and prepare those who I will be working with and serving.

My heart is bursting with gratitude for all of you making this possible. Whether you feel like you have “contributed” much or little, it all means so much to me. Every single prayer, encouragement, and gift means there is love connecting us. That will not go unnoticed when I live far away! Thank you for allowing God to send me through you.

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