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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
McKeighen Sep 2018

McKeighen Sep 2018

Dear friends and family, 

In the Rafiki Bible Study we are currently studying Romans. If you have ever wondered what the “will of God” is for you, Romans 12 has the answer. To present ourselves to Him as living and holy sacrifices, to strive against conformity to the world and embrace transformation through a renewed mind in Christ, finding what is good and acceptable and perfect. That is God’s will for us. Only through His mercy can we accomplish this. Romans—a great book—read it again!

Rafiki Boys Liberia
Visiting the children in Liberia

It was great to see many of you as I traveled to the U.S. the end of May. June was spent visiting family, speaking in churches and attending a Christian Classical School Conference. The first of July I was blessed to be able to go back to Liberia for a visit. What a joy to be able to take Jackie and Dan, my daughter and son-in-law, with me! We had so much fun loving the children and staff. A large piece of my heart will always be in Liberia. After most of a week there we traveled to Ghana. There is something very special about being able to share your work with your loved ones and it was a memorable trip for all of us.

Back in Ghana I am continuing to work as headmaster (principal) of the schools. Several of our (RICE) teacher training students are now teachers in the school and doing a wonderful job. Accreditation is ongoing for the teacher training college being developed here.

Ghana Baptized
Recently baptized teens

A number of our recent graduates are heading off to college. Another joy this summer was to lead five of our teens through baptism classes and then watch them make their public profession and baptism. Please pray that God calls many more young people here to be His own. With thirty teachers now on our staff, we have quite an invigorating Bible Study each week. It is a privilege to see these adults challenged in their walk with God as I too am challenged.

Please pray for me that I will continue to strive to fulfill the call of Romans 12 and present myself as a living sacrifice to God and that I will continue to become “transformed into the image of his Son” (Romans 8:29). Thank you for your prayers and support. And I pray that you will “prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” in your lives as well.