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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Mckeighen Jul 2019

Mckeighen Jul 2019

Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised, And His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts
(Psalm 145:3-4 NASB).

Dear friends and family,

What if? Have you ever wondered—what if? What if one generation of peoples did not fulfill this Scripture by declaring the mighty works of God to the next? Where would you and I be? Discussing Psalm 145 this past week in staff Bible study, we considered the significance of the testimony of our forefathers and the importance of our proclaiming the Gospel to the next generation, our children, our grandchildren, our students, and our neighbors. God has commissioned us to proclaim His truths. When I think of the generations that have come before us and consider the history of the preservation of the oracles of God and His work, I am in awe of the mighty power of God to preserve and proclaim even through fallen man. In our Bible study we pondered with amazement the fact that 100 years from now virtually no one living on earth today will be here. Yet God’s Word and His work will go on. Why? Because He has declared that it will.

So the question becomes: will we be a part of declaring the mighty acts of God to the next generation? Will we pick up the gauntlet and charge on proclaiming God’s truth? Or will we miss the amazing privilege and blessing of being a part of His plan?

As I work each day with missionaries, children, teachers, and other staff members, I often remind myself that this mission is not accomplished in a day. Each day builds upon the next. God is doing foundation work in Liberia and it is my prayer that the next generation in Liberia will declare, “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand”, ready to face the challenges ahead as they pick up the gauntlet and press on “praising God’s works and declaring His mighty acts” to the next generation.

In May, our students took their first national exams and although we do not have their results they were praised for their maturity and integrity by exam monitors. We were blessed to receive a minibus to transport our children to events and church, thanks to faithful donors. Our maintenance crew is working hard to provide a shelter for our community students as they enter the compound each morning during this rainy season. We had three students complete the teacher training program this spring and they are working in our school or others honing their skills. God has been faithful to provide what we need as we do His work. Our greatest joy is teaching God’s Word to the people of Liberia. Of course, we love to see fruit. Please pray for stamina, wisdom, unity, and peace in the Village. Also please pray for the nation of Liberia as the economy struggles and the government faces the challenges of reviving it.

Eager learners!

Term one honor roll

Our new to us minibus!

May God bless you all as you do your part in declaring the “mighty works of the Lord” to the next generation.

Remembering the “Glorious splendor” of His majesty.

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