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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McKeighen December 2020

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

This fall the security guards and I have been going through the letters of the Apostle Peter again, and I am so blessed and encouraged by what he has to tell us. We have a significant role to play here on this earth as we represent Him and proclaim His greatness. Repeatedly, Peter tells us that he will continue to remind us of what we are here to do. The race of Christ is not divided by color but is of all colors. We are to be priests representing our Lord as we live here, impacting our culture. We, as a holy nation, are a nation among many nations scattered across the planet, the nation of Christ everywhere.

Peter tells us in his second letter that we are to diligently add to our faith moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love. As we pursue these qualities, we will be both useful and fruitful in the Lord.

Helpers are essential.

As I look at our little group of journeymen here at the Rafiki Village in Liberia, I see God at work molding lives for His priesthood, growing members of His nation, distinguishing His chosen race. And that is what we are to be, distinguishable in the world and throughout the world. Please pray with me for God’s hand of spiritual protection upon these youths. They are in a safe and unique place where they can be nurtured. But in the world, they will have many challenges ahead.

Reading is key.

Finally, school has resumed this week for our primary and preschool children. It feels good to hear all the little voices and know that the classrooms are filled with eager learners. There will be much work to do to make up for lost time, but we are ready for the task. We are taking precautions to avoid sickness, although there is only a small amount of COVID in our country. We appreciate your prayers that God will protect us as we too pray for you in the U.S. who are facing many pandemic challenges.

Tenth grade Rafiki School students

Thank you for your continuous support for me and the children of Liberia. In this unsettled time, we all can have peace knowing that our God is sovereign over all things. When the news seems discouraging, we know that God has a supreme plan, and we are watching it unfold before our very eyes.

Wishing you a very blessed Christmas.

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