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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

McKeighen April 2021

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:1-2).

Paul was sitting in prison in Rome when he wrote this message to the Gentile believers in Ephesus. These believers were living in a society that did not embrace the God that created them. Paul was encouraging these believers to stick together and faithfully serve the Lord. Paul had been “canceled” (imprisoned) but I guess not very effectively because he could still write letters. Letters that are still available for us today. We can still humbly and gently proclaim the message of Christ in a world that continuously rejects Him, for not all will reject. Though we seem to be living in the time of Romans chapter 1 (read it), God is not finished here, Jesus has not come back YET. There is still work to be done as we “ proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light ” (1 Peter 2:9). Jesus tells us in Matthew that we are the light of the world. We are to shine our light from the hilltops. We are not to hide our light under a basket. So, lets climb the mountain and shine that light for all the world to see.

Dr. Kulah, the Dean of the United Methodist Seminary, receiving a gift of Bibles from the Rosemary Jensen Bible Foundation

We can also, however, be sure of one other thing —the enemy is also working very hard to hinder God’s plan. He will do his best to discourage us because he knows we have the power within us to overcome him. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

The Church in America and throughout the world is facing a great battle in our day and so also, here in Liberia, we face great challenges. Yet God is at work and we can trust that He will fulfill His promises and His plan. Therefore, we will press on (Philippians 3:14). We are thankful that COVID has not been strong here, but sin and corruption are. While we teach our children, day students, and staff God’s Word and ways, they are bombarded by the ways of the world. We rejoice when we see successes and pray when we see challenges, persevering through it all. Our sixth and ninth grade national exams were a success and all of our students passed all subjects. We joyfully see generous and helpful attitudes in many while others are facing adolescent struggles.

Some of the young men of the Village working on building new sidewalks

Learning coconut hulling

Our children are having the privilege of spending time with extended family this month before they come back to tackle another term of school. Our school schedule has been modified due to COVID and the new school year will begin in July now. We will have eleventh grade for the first time. After nearly twelve years in Africa, I can assure you that I love these kids and celebrate their every success and pray that God will do mighty things through them. Please pray with me for these young people to have the heart and courage to pursue the Lord with all their strength and might in this world.

Rafiki resident Jehu getting Baptized, he is 17 and has really turned his life around

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I cannot begin to tell you all of the challenges your prayers carry us through. You are those who make this work for these young people possible.

May God bless you all.

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