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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Martin Mar 2020

Many are the plans in a mans heart, But the counsel of the Lord, it will stand” (Proverbs 19:21 NASB).

Our “porch” in Florida

I am sure that many are wondering what is happening with us in Africa, and I must say that sadly we are not in Africa. We left our Village on February 28 (before the “virus”) to travel to the States for a time of refreshment, medical appointments, and meetings. Well, obviously all our plans have changed and we are in a state of flux, much like much of the world. We are happy to be healthy, and traveled without being exposed to COVID-19. We are pretty much just hanging out at our house in Florida, and answering arising medical questions for many. We wonder why we are here and not in our Village of Tanzania, but we are trusting that God’s plan is in place. Our colleagues, Phil, Sara, and Laurie are carrying on the business of the Village in our absence and we are grateful for their extra work and dedication. We are also grateful for a wonderful and capable National Staff at our Village. We have no idea when it will be safe for us to travel back, but that also is in the Lord’s hands.

Before we left the Village, we had a wonderful morning of prayer in which all employees, resident students, day students, and missionaries participated. It was so good to reflect on all God has done over the past year, through the ministry of Rafiki.

Our morning of prayer

All the laboratories have been completed, as well as a huge project to expand our soccer field and improve our sports facilities. We also have seen growth in the numbers at our school as well as academic growth of our students. Our students have also grown spiritually though the study of First and Second Peter and now in the study of James. Our secondary school still has not been accredited so we prayed again for that process to continue and accreditation to be granted soon. We await God’s timing for this accreditation.

Kids enjoying scrapbook time

Homework time

Kent has begun a new program within RICE in which we are now training already certified teachers to become better teachers. The program is greatly appreciated by our eight students, and most of them will be hired as secondary or primary teachers when our secondary school is allowed to re-open. It has been rewarding to see these students embrace classical Christian education and to see their enthusiasm for this concept of teaching. What a blessing to have the time to really train these potential teachers to be great additions to our Rafiki School. Those not hired for our school will be great additions to partner schools in our area. Peggy continues with ChildCare, kitchen duties, and finance responsibilities. We covet your prayers as we now raise thirty-one teenage resident children. The work is never dull!

We do want to thank all of you for your prayer and financial support as we continue the work in Tanzania. Without your support, we could not do this work. We continue to love what we do and pray that our time in the States will be fruitful but short! We are praying for a NEW return date of April 15, as our original return of April 3 is looking unlikely. Please pray with us for leaving on April 15, 2020, if this is God’s will for us. Our colleagues would love some help by then.

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P.S. We were just informed that all the schools in Tanzania are closing as of today for the next thirty days at least, could you please pray for Sara, Phil, and Laurie who remain at the Village, and for the mothers who are in charge of the sixty children. Pray for protection of our Village as well.