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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Martin June 2021

We are again thankful for your love, prayers, and support of us here in Uganda. We have just finished the rainy season and it was quite enjoyable to have daily and nightly rains to refresh the earth around us. We had a few days of “all day rain” but mostly the rains came in the evening or early mornings. We are grateful for the beautiful park like environment of the Village in Uganda. The gentle rain on our metal roof is indeed a soothing blessing.

As of Sunday June 6, our country here has been put in another “lock-down” of sorts. The hardest part for everyone is that school at ALL levels has been suspended for six weeks. This comes on the heels of having schools here closed nearly a year. COVID-19 has been increasing in some areas so to slow the infection rate, all schools and places of worship and large gatherings (over 20 people) have been suspended for 42 days. So, what does a Village of 75-plus teenagers on campus do at this time? Of course, we check our resources and make a plan. The head teachers and childcare staff met on Monday and we now have a schedule of “enrichment activities,” gardening, Rafiki Bible Study, and sports scheduled from 8 to 5 each day. Two of our teachers are also house parents and we invited five other teachers to join our “childcare staff” for the next six weeks. We are so grateful to have good staff to help keep our children engaged educationally, spiritually, and physically. We will also be having church here at the Village and have two pastors on our teaching staff who will facilitate these services. Again, we are grateful to God for His provision for us.

Kids activities during the lockdown

Because Kent had to close the RICE Program for six weeks, he has time to get all the maintenance issues under control. He has been balancing maintenance with overseeing and teaching the RICE Program. He is now also helping with grounds maintenance with a group of the boys each afternoon. My job is about the same except for helping where needed and making sure that all the programs are running as planned. There is a lot of work here to keep this Village running well and we continue to be grateful to God for His provision of good national staff.

Sunday worship at Rafiki Village Uganda

We are preparing the new home for our long-term missionary couple who are to arrive on July 5. We want them to feel very welcome so their stay in this Village will be for a very long time! The house they will move into has not been occupied for about three years, however, it is beginning to take shape now.

Home for our new missionaries in the glow of the morning sun

Please pray for the new couple. Pray that all the things that need to happen before they come will quickly fall into place. Also pray that the new restrictions with COVID would not delay their arrival.

Thank you all for your love and prayers.

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