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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Martin July 2021

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven
(Ecclesiates 3:1).

Dear friends and family,

How can we begin to thank you for your love, prayers, and financial support of us over the past seven years? We have felt your prayers and partnership in all areas of our work. We are indeed grateful for your part in our ministry! Kent and I are now confident that our time of full-time service in Rafiki Foundation has come to an end. We are still in good health, but foresee the complications of aging as we are well into our 70s. We are leaving Uganda in a few days and will relocate our permanent home in the States hopefully to the mountains of Georgia or North Carolina to be closer to family. We are planning on shorter times of service in the future with Rafiki as God leads.

We are confident we are leaving the Village of Uganda in great and capable hands. We were able to spend two weeks helping the new Rafiki missionaries, David and Michele Graves to get settled and confident in their new roles in the Village. All of our Villages could use some long-term missionaries on their team, so please seek God in discerning if you are one to be in that position for the future. Working in a country in Africa is amazingly rewarding and life changing in a good way. We are thankful that we will “never be the same.” We have been grateful for this part of our “retirement with a twist,” but now are looking forward to a slower paced retirement. We are anxious to see what good things God has planned for us in the future.

We know that many of you have grown to love the work of Rafiki as you have partnered with us. If you would like to turn over your support to Laurie Eastup in Tanzania, she would be grateful and also keep you informed of the work in Tanzania. We hope to see you all in the near future to report on our work and to thank you for your love and support.

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