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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Maggio Oct 2018

Maggio Oct 2018

“All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies” (Psalm 25:10).

Dear friends in Christ,

Why do we often only begin to appreciate the purpose of our trials when we later begin to see how the Lord uses every piece of the jigsaw puzzle to make a beautiful and meaningful portrait for His glory and our growth?

About eighteen months ago, we were gripped with a sense of confusion during a season that felt like an upheaval! Amongst other personal trials, Lusubilo started presenting her first symptoms of foot pain and in a few months the pain became widespread and chronic. This was the beginning of what has been a year-long journey of doctor visits, tests, and treatments. 

We have been in the U.S. for about five months, staying in Eustis, Florida, on medical leave. We had no idea that we would be here this long! We were eager to be back in Zambia four months ago, and we were initially getting frustrated with what we thought were delays in getting to see the right doctors and a diagnosis.

Finally by God’s grace, and most assuredly because of your many prayers and support for us, we are learning to surrender and find rest in God’s providence! Though we do not have all the answers, we are truly grateful for how the Lord faithfully continues to provide and care for us in every way, even though it does not always come in the way we anticipate.

We have a long list of things for which to be grateful; here are a few we can fit in our newsletter:

We are most grateful for the financial support and prayers of all of you, our donors, and friends; we have been on a long medical leave with all of our living and medical expenses taken care of.

We are very grateful for Karen Elliott, Rafiki’s Executive Director, for her direction and guidance for us to take medical leave and for arranging for our accommodations and medical appointments in Florida.

We spent the first months in the beautiful home of Dr. Kent and Peggy Martin (Rafiki missionaries in Tanzania) in the countryside of Eustis.

We are now at the Home Office guest house, where we are enjoying almost daily visits of bears, deer, sandhill cranes, and turkeys.

Living at the Home Office guest house has also come with the blessing of spending more time around Karen and the other Home Office staff, giving us an opportunity to work through some of the challenges we have faced as a couple on the field and how best we can serve when we return We are feeling a lot more energized and cannot wait to be back and work in the different capacities that we have been exploring with Karen.

We have been challenged and inspired by witnessing how hard and dedicated the Home Office works to ensure things work well on the field in Africa.


Celebrating Tom’s birthday in the nice and cozy Rafiki home office guest house

The friendship of Rob and Geri (Home Office staff), who have been very generous with us, opening up their home, lending us their car, getting us organic eggs almost every week…how can we not be thankful?

We have also had lots of opportunities to visit the Maggio family: we were able to attend the wedding of Annie Maggio (niece) and Adam Aschenbach’s wedding in Portland and to visit nieces and great nieces and nephews in West Palm Beach.

With the bride

Tom got to hang out with big brother Chuck Maggio (Father to the bride)

We enjoy spending time with Tom’s 95 year-old uncle who lives about 40 minutes from the Home Office. 

We visited some friends in Houston and enjoyed a ride with our long time friend and donor Dan in his newly acquired antique car.



Reunion with 95 year old Uncle Gus, his daughter
Joanne, and husband Rick in Florida.

Tom has been able to enjoy some of his favorite hobbies and a men’s breakfast Bible study every Saturday.




We have been enriched spiritually attending New Hope Presbyterian Church for worship and taking time to get to know some of the members and meeting in small groups for prayer and Bible Study. We love our new Pastors/friends Richard Burguet and David Kelly.

We have also been blessed by Sunday evening worship attendance at St. Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida; we truly enjoy the classical and organ music played during the services. 

We are also very thankful for our co-workers in Zambia Irene, Rose, Kate, and Barbara, who have been faithfully filling in Tom’s roles at the Village. We would not have been at peace being here so long if it were not for their taking on those roles competently.

Needless to say we have seen many doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and technicians for help with Lusubilo’s medical condition. They have all been helpful and highly professional. Lusubilo has made some progress and is feeling better but still has some significant pain issues. She was recently referred to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida and has started the diagnostic process there. We are at peace knowing Jesus is Lord and is sovereign and controls all things and provides for His own. 

Pray with us that we are done with Mayo as soon as possible and headed back to Zambia soon.

Thank you for your prayers, financial support, friendship, and encouragement to us. We value your partnership in serving the Lord and pray you will be blessed and know the joy of the Lord. 

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).