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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Liebing October 2022

Last month marked the one year anniversary of my arrival in Malawi. It passed with little notice since we were nearing the end of a term, seniors were in the midst of national exams, and various other school and Village events occupied my attention. But now that the last classroom has been dusted, the final kindergarten graduation robe put away, the seniors have said their goodbyes, and the Village is quiet(er) with the students on a two week homestay, it seems appropriate to pause and reflect on the milestone.

A packed out kindergarten graduation

In the last several months, the Village has been studying Exodus and Leviticus in our devotions, and how rich they are! One thing we have noticed is how often the Lord tells His people to remember—to recite to one another the things that the Lord has done. He sets aside special festivals and days of remembrance and tells His people to strictly observe them. It is good for us to do so, for if the nation of Israel teaches us anything, it is how forgetful we sinful men are. And His people often do so in songs and poetry—one whole book of the Bible is, of course, dedicated to psalms of prayer and remembrance and praise!

It would be entirely too much to try to summarize the last year’s joys, pains, and growth, and I have spent many minutes staring at my computer trying to decide what I can possibly say in a short space. But now it comes to me: how could I possibly do better than to model my hymn of praise on one of Scripture’s own? So for fun, for joy, for praise to my Lord (and for a few laughs at my rushed poetic attempts!), here is mine, modeled on Psalm 136:

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who opened the path to Malawi,

For His mercy endures forever!

Even in the midst of pandemic restrictions,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who prepared a warm welcome,

For His mercy endures forever!

From Rafiki, from churches, from fellow ex-pats,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who has kept me healthy,

For His mercy endures forever!

Through new climate, food, routines,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who gave me steady helpers,

For His mercy endures forever!

Faithful teachers, head teachers to my right and left,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who comforted through frustrations,

For His mercy endures forever!

Loneliness, staffing gaps, broken, or missing tools,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who gifted me two mission partners,

For His mercy endures forever!

Jay and Maureen, my tireless friends,

For His mercy endures forever!

He gave us harmony in love and work,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who spreads before me great beauty,

For His mercy endures forever!

Flaming sunsets, baboons, bright colors, distant mountains,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who prepared sweet relationships,

For His mercy endures forever!

With the children of Rafiki Malawi,

For His mercy endures forever!

Rhetoric classes, office chats, even discipline,

For His mercy endures forever!

Game nights, singing, and traveling together,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who sends faithful co-workers,

For His mercy endures forever!

Godly mamas, gifted assistants, men to mentor,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who gave a family like no other,

For His mercy endures forever!

Who pray, support, talk, and love,

For His mercy endures forever!

Even a wee little miracle who made me an aunt,

For His mercy endures forever!

He never let me lack human support,

For His mercy endures forever!

From thousands of miles across the globe,

For His mercy endures forever!

Prayers, messages, and financial gifts,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Him who brought kindred spirit Connie here,

For His mercy endures forever!

And even sent a real piano ‘cross the sea,

For His mercy endures forever!

To the one who gives His Word,

For His mercy endures forever!

The sure companion and wellspring of my life,

For His mercy endures forever!

To Christ who is ever faithful and worthy,

For His mercy endures forever!

Who gave me this gift of ministry,

For His mercy endures forever!

And will complete the work He plans,

For His mercy endures forever!

Oh give thanks to the God of heaven,

For His mercy endures forever!

Missionary fellowship—a sweet international smorgasbord of good friends and food

Game night in the dining hall with the residents

The Malawi missionary team enjoying a day on the lake—Jay, Maureen, and Anna with their guides

I give great thanks and praise for each of you, and I ask you to continue to remember me and the Rafiki Village in Malawi in your prayers!

Prayer Requests

  • For the successful start of a new academic year on October 10—including a new GL1 as we slowly begin to double stream the primary grades
  • For the Lord to work powerfully in our children’s hearts to convert them and cause them to love His law, trusting that the Lord intends only their fullest joy
  • For our most recent graduates who have left the Village—that they may follow the Lord faithfully and that He will make clear their vocational path

Please also pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children. Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

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