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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Liebing April 2021

Dear friends and family,

Well, it has been several months now since I sent out that first letter to tell you all that I was headed onto the mission field with the Rafiki Foundation, so I wanted to write again and give you an update. Long story short—I am still planning to go, and the Lord continues to open the way before me! 

I have been frankly overwhelmed by the responses that I have received from people who got my first letter or have heard through other means about my going to Africa. So many have been excited to hear about Rafiki’s work in Bible study and raising and educating children in Africa. So many have expressed some version of “this seems like a good fit for you, and we’re thrilled!” It has been so sweet to receive such encouragement. 

When I wrote my first letter, I was just beginning to make my plans broadly public, and since then, I have been spreading the news. It was a privilege and slightly surreal experience to present my work to Bible Chapel in Cincinnati, the church where I grew up and first learned to love missions. I also was tremendously honored to speak at the missions conference at Independent Presbyterian Church, my church home in Savannah. The leaders and people at both churches were so kind and generous—it is such a joy and affirmation to have both of my “church families” supporting me in this path! I have also loved having opportunities to talk with my students and to sit down with individual people who want to know more. Every time I get the chance to talk about the work, I walk away refreshed and excited again about the kingdom work going on through Rafiki!

The Lord has blessed me in the realm of fundraising, and I almost cannot believe that I am reporting that I have raised 33% of my initial two year budget in cash, and 67% in pledges for monthly support—in other words, assuming that those who have pledged support are able to be faithful, my fundraising for these two years is complete! The speed and relative ease with which the Lord has provided these finances is astounding and deeply humbling to me—I feel like Job who confesses to God that he is unworthy and must simply “put my hand over my mouth”. All I can do is praise Him and thank all of those who have been eager and generous in partnering with me! Of course, if any of you are still excited about Rafiki’s mission and eager to give, the needs go far beyond my personal funding, and I would be happy to talk with you. 

The other logistics are also slowly but surely falling into place. I will be finishing my school year here in Savannah (with a Cincinnati trip in May for my brother Caleb’s wedding!), and then I will go at the end of June to Rafiki’s Home Office near Orlando to complete more specific job training and attend an enrichment conference. After that, I will pack everything up and head back to Cincinnati to spend some time with friends and family there. Lord willing, I will head to Malawi at the end of the summer to take up the role of headmaster in the K-12 Rafiki school. 

I ask for your prayers as preparations continue. The prospect of getting on a plane to head to Malawi is exciting, but the time between now and then is full of logistical necessities that are not always exciting. My to-do lists are daunting and seem to be always growing—between the normal busyness of finishing a school year, family events, trying to keep up relationships as my time grows short, and of course Rafiki preparations, I sometimes feel like one of those Barnum and Bailey acrobats trying to spin 10 different plates while doing somersaults. The trouble is that I’m not nearly as dexterous or elegant as an acrobat! The Lord is good, however, and I trust that He will give me the grace and the peace of heart that I need. Pray that my journey towards the mission field will be just as faithful a testimony as my work once I am there.

I hope to see many of you again in person during these next few months—I desperately want about three hours apiece with at least 150 people, two or three or ten times over in many cases! I know that I will run tragically short on time, but please know how very grateful I am for each of you who are encouraging and loving me well during this time. Your gifts of finances, words, time, and prayer remind me of Pauls’ metaphor in Ephesians of a “sweet smelling aroma” that is well-pleasing to God. May we all strive to be so as we support one another in walking worthy of our calling!

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