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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Letter of Recommendation

August 2019


Dear Friends, 

I am so thankful to have been able to spend two weeks in July with Kiley Bronke as she went through a rigorous course of preparation for the mission field here at the Rafiki Home Office. Kiley demonstrated that she will be an excellent missionary with a true servant heart during her time here with us.  Before even arriving, Kiley completed an eight-week online course designed by Rafiki studying theology, missions history, and practical information about life on the mission field. Then at the Home Office, Kiley worked with other missionaries-in-training on challenging service projects for our African Villages and studied hard with our staff to prepare for life in Africa and for her particular work for Rafiki. 

Kiley is trained, ready, and eager to go out to her country of assignment after completing a year of service at the Rafiki Home Office.  Kiley will most likely be teaching in a Rafiki Christian Classical School in one of our ten countries. I am so delighted to have someone of Kiley’s caliber, experience, and education join our team.  We are praying for all of her support to come in quickly as she is planning to leave for the field as in the summer of 2020.

I pray you will consider being a part of this work with Kiley through your prayers and support.

Serving together,

Karen J. Elliott

Executive Director