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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Lam Sep 2019

“Our eyes are waiting to see.” – Reverend Dr. Levi Nyondo,
General Secretary, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian

Dear friends and supporters,

What is Reverend Levi talking about? Answer: The Rafiki Christian Education System (RCES) which comprises a Bible study with 553-week-long lessons (or 13 years of study) that are written for six different levels: adult, senior high school, junior high school, upper primary, lower primary, and preschool. All 66 books of the Bible are covered in this Bible study and written particularly for a classroom setting over a 40-week school year. The lessons were written by 18 published theologians including Dr. Dennis Johnson, Rafiki International Board member and recently retired Westminster Seminary Professor. Dr. Johnson was here in Malawi, from August 28th – 30th, with the Home Office leadership team and visited with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) and University of Livingstonia (UNILIA) leadership.

The second component of the RCES is the Rafiki Christian classical curriculum that covers all core subjects such as math, sciences, language arts plus world history, logic, rhetoric, art, music, physical education, economics, theology, and philosophy. Our material covers preschool to Grade Level 12 or 15 years of teacher texts, lesson plans, and student worksheets­­—a complete school curriculum that is classical in pedagogy and content, with every unit written from a biblical worldview and culturally sensitive to Africa. 

The third and final component in the RCES is the 3-year teachers college program called the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE). African high school graduates who enroll with RICE will be equipped to be Christian early childhood and primary school teachers.

The CCAP runs 500 church schools in Malawi. They are all in great need of trained teachers, Bibles, classical Christian curriculum from PreK to Grade Level 12, library books, Bible study materials, and everything you can think of to develop engaged, empowered, and ethical Malawians. These students will become excellent communicators, who think critically, who are creative and imaginative, who are digitally literate, and who desire to be godly contributors to their nation. 

Dr. Levi Nyondo and his wife, Ruth, own and operate a church school that educates 1,280 Malawian children from preprimary to Grade Level 8.

Rafiki Partner Church School using Rafiki's School curriculum

Rafiki Partner Church School using Rafiki's School curriculum
Kileni school in Mzuzu

Kileni School in Mzuzu meets a great need to help these students know God through the Bible, to learn to grow a cohesive picture of all of life—whether they are studying math, history, science, grammar or on the sports court doing P.E.—as connected in Christ and governed by Him. But they struggle to find well-trained early childhood development and primary school teachers and a strong Christian curriculum to use. 

Down south in central Malawi, in the capital city of Lilongwe, New Life Presbyterian Church is opening their pioneer preprimary school. Pastor Robert Manda informs us that they have already enrolled nearly 200 preschool three-to-four-year-old kids for the September academic year. They, too, need well-trained early childhood development teachers and a strong Christian curriculum!

Four RICE graduates—Nancy Luhanga, Hilda Soko, Maureen Pachuma, and Queen Mhone—are the answer to their needs. These ladies are equipped and armed with the Rafiki Bible Study as well as curriculum to go into the “world” (Malawi) and change their nation through classical Christian education.

These ladies have had two to three years of RICE training, completed required teaching practicums, and know exactly what a preschool classroom should look like and how their students ought to be engaged, enthused, and encouraged to love learning and have lots of fun every day.

Rafiki Teachers use Rafiki's classical Christian curriculum

Rafiki Teachers use Rafiki's classical Christian curriculum
Rafiki School Malawi

What else are Dr. Levi Nyondo’s eyes waiting to see? Answer: The accreditation of RICE-UNILIA Diploma in classical Christian Education in Early Childhood Development and Primary Education. I have had nine intense, absolutely challenging consultative meetings with the UNILIA team between May and August of 2019 to stretch our hearts and minds over the nitty gritty of curriculum review, to study the National (Malawi) Sector Education Plan, and to review the requirements of the National Council for Higher Education for accreditation of a new campus. We are in the final stage and trust that by year-end, God who is gracious will approve our application for accreditation of RICE-UNILIA. After that, all RICE graduates will participate in the UNILIA convocation ceremony and receive their awards bearing the UNILIA logo.

What else is the Village Malawi waiting to see? Answer: A full-time missionary called to be the Dean of RICE. A full-time missionary gifted in Music and Art to be appointed the Dean for the Rafiki Institute of Music and Art. One hundred RICE students studying in 6 cohorts/levels. The 500 CCAP church schools who are waiting earnestly to receive trained early childhood development teachers and primary school teachers. Ask the Lord if you are the one he wants to send over to Malawi to fill these needs. 

Teacher Training Complex at Rafiki Village Malawi
RICE complex on Village Malawi

See you in Malawi—soon! “My eyes are waiting to see.” –Yeen-Lan

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