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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kumpe Jun 2020

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Greetings to you from Rafiki Village in Uganda,

The Scripture above encompasses how blessed we have been during this uncertain time of COVID-19. God has indeed provided for us and blessed us amazingly. David and I would like to share with you life here at Rafiki Village Uganda during this time. We here in Uganda have been on lockdown since 22 March 2020 and the schools remain closed.

We have Village devotions every morning together at breakfast which is a sweet time of praising God and listening to His Word.

We have stayed busy here at the Village during the lockdown. One fun activity was baking classes followed by a cookie-baking contest between the boys and girls. David was a very willing judge for the competition.

David and I were invited to the traditional marriage ceremony for Esther, our Activities Coordinator. She and our extra-ciricular music sinfonia teacher, Nicholas, celebrated mid-May. We wore traditional Ugandan clothes. David is wearing a kanzu and I am wearing a gomesi, It was a joyous ceremony and celebration.

The bride and groom

We also participated in what we have named “Operation Sharing” with the surrounding community. Our local government helped us distribute our abundance here at the Village to our neighbors around us in need. We have been able to share on several occasions extra fresh eggs, guavas, and avocados.

Here are pictures of some of the other activities that have kept us busy. Gardening (the kids named it “The Weeding Ceremony”), birthdays, maintenance jobs, art projects, special movies, library time, study time, basketball, everyday chores… we all have stayed busy and productive!

“Weeding Ceremony”

Additional gardening fun!

Birthdays do not stop during lockdown!

Art projects of all kinds

We thank you for your prayer and financial support. We are thankful to be here in beautiful Uganda. We know we are in God’s hands here.

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