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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kumpe Feb 2019

We rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2).

Greetings from Rafiki Village Uganda. We arrived on New Year’s Day 2019. God blessed us with His mercy and we had no travel delays or complications. We were warmly welcomed to the Village by the staff, children, and the other missionaries currently serving here. We are comfortably settled into our house provided in the Village and have been attending to classes and students at the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) Teacher Training Program. Uganda is green and lush, and the red metal roofs on the Village buildings stand out against the bright green landscape. There are avocado, jack fruit, and guava trees, and other beautiful, fragrant flowering shrubs and trees that we have not learned to identify yet. One we do know, is the Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow tree that grows by the gate. Its beautiful flowers—dark purple, bright purple, and violet—remind us of God’s love, mercy, and grace that are eternal—yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Beauty all around us at the Village

The RICE students are eager and very industrious. We are learning their personalities, their strengths, and their needs. The teacher training course work is rigorous and demanding. Ugandans are very soft spoken and polite. We do challenge them to use their “teacher voices” so we can better understand them. The beginning of our class day starts with the Rafiki Bible Study. Currently we are studying 2 Thessalonians. The remainder of the day is spent helping students with coursework questions, in class instruction, observing and mentoring teaching practicums, and other administrative duties.

David leading the RICE students in Bible study

Lynn has been assigned the additional responsibility of ChildCare Administrator. Duties include leading the Rafiki Bible Study for the Cottage and Residence Hall parents and also leading training sessions for those caregivers weekly. Another responsibility will be oversight of the orphan sponsor reports three times a year. Visiting cottages for evening devotions, encouraging care givers, and ChildCare budget supervision are among the list of duties. Keeping track of about 100 resident children will be challenging. Pray for my name recall skills. Everyone here has been gracious about helping us!

We are actively visiting and worshiping with various partner churches on Sunday mornings in the Kampala area. We are praying God will lead us to a place that has Biblical worship and opportunities to fellowship with others here in Uganda.

Thank you for your support and for upholding us in prayer.

The view on our morning walk to the RICE building

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