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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kumpe Dec 2018

Thanksgiving has passed and in reflecting on our activities of the last few months as we have been getting ready for our move to the Rafiki Village Uganda, we are thankful for:

• Our successful completion of the TREK class, an on-line multi-disciplinary course to prepare us for the mission field.

• Safe travel on our 3,000 plus mile road trip through the Midwest.

• Wonderful visits with friends and family in cities where we have lived in the past.

• Enjoying the beauty of God’s creation in the glorious autumn display through the Midwest.

• The joy of sharing Rafiki’s mission with old and new friends at gatherings and visits on our road trip.

• The willingness of many to prayerfully and financially partner with us for our work in Uganda.

• Completion of all medical appointments and testing.

• No medical issues to prevent our moving to Uganda.

• A successful Christian classical conference hosted at Rafiki Village Uganda highlighting Christian classical education and curriculum with great interest expressed by national educators.

• Progress on the national accreditation of the RICE Program in Uganda.

As we anticipate the season of celebrating the birth of Christ, the Holy One of Israel, we are struck with how God has changed our path this past year, from retirement life on a sailboat to serving in East Africa with the Rafiki Foundation. We thank you for your gracious support, your encouragement, and most importantly your prayers. Our prayer for you is that you will know and celebrate the joy of the Messiah, Emmanuel—God with us.

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