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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kucko Sep 2019

“For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless, I am not ashamed, for I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day” (2 Timothy 1:12).

Greetings and love from Ghana,

It is still lush and green here as the rains are tapering down and the temperatures are quite comfortable. With the previous rains, the trees and bushes always need trimming down to size and the children love to help haul the cuttings away.

Rafiki children haul away tree limbs
Hauling the cuttings away

We are currently studying 1 and 2 Timothy in the Rafiki Bible Study. The children in school, the cottage parents, and the staff are all studying it together in each of our groupings. We are being taught and reminded of the importance of knowing, believing, and holding onto the truths of Scripture as we walk through each day God has given us. In doing so, we not only show forth the Gospel to those around us, but also draw it down deeper into our own souls as we allow the truths to guide our responses to the myriad of situations and temptations that we each face in our own particular situations.

The Rafiki Ghana Village is now one of all pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults. So, there is a lot of seeking, testing, pushing of limits, and learning going on. Recently, an Alumni Day was held in which the graduates were invited for a luncheon and celebratory cake and to also address the junior and senior high students with the wisdom they have learned in their few years away at university.

Cake cutting
Cake cutting

We Rafiki staff are also doing a book study, Spiritual Depression by Martin Lloyd-Jones, about it’s causes and cure. It dovetails right in with the 1 and 2 Timothy studies in that we need to always, in every situation, recall the Scriptures we know and think on them as we work our way through whatever struggle we might face.

The month-long series of government tests required for the seniors has begun, so your prayers that they can recall all they have studied and learned and be able to apply it to the questions at hand will be much appreciated by them. The junior-high youth also had their government tests recently and are awaiting those results which will determine their future schooling. Your prayers in this are also requested.

In closing, I thank you who have so graciously supported me in various ways to be here among these growing young men and women. It is a joy to watch God grow them up! Maybe there is one reading this that would like to find out how you too could be of help in a Rafiki Village. If so, please contact for further information or go to the website @

Flowers are beautiful at the Rafiki Village Ghana
The flowers around the Village are beautiful this time of year

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