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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf November 2022

“Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” (Psalm 32:11).

As we are wrapping up 2022, we are rejoicing in our service here in Eustis, Florida. We are also rejoicing for each one of you who have partnered with us. We would like to share with you some of the wonderful things God is doing through Rafiki to help Africans know God and improve their standard of living.

God has given Rafiki a unique opportunity to help the Anglican Church of Uganda. Near the end of September, Rafiki hosted the Archbishop Reverend Dr. Stephen Kaziimba, and Reverend Dr. Paul Kakooza the Education Director of the Church of Uganda. Many fruitful meetings took place and as a result Rafiki will be supplying the Church of Uganda with the Rafiki Bible Study Sunday School materials, Rafiki classical Christian curriculum, and Bible study for schools and teacher training. This denomination has over 12 million members, 5,200 schools, and 10,000 churches at least. We are rejoicing!

Rafiki Home Office staff and our guests from the Church of Uganda, bottom row is Executive Director Karen Elliott, Reverend Dr. Stephen Kaziimba, and Reverend Dr. Paul Kakooza

In 2022 Rafiki launched many orphans from high school into tertiary schooling. It has been exciting to see where the Lord is leading these children. They have all been in Rafiki’s care since they were young and are now, through donors support, able to receive college degrees and/or certificates. Some are pursuing vocational training in mechanics and hair cosmetology. Others are going to college and studying journalism, molecular biology, and others have entered seminary! We are rejoicing and praising God for His faithfulness in these orphans’ lives!

2022 Graduates from Rafiki Village Nigeria


  • God has been equipping us as we learn our new roles here at the Home Office.
  • God has provided a potential kidney donor for Del—Lisa’s sister Deb.
  • For God’s faithfulness in bringing these high school graduates to their next step.

Please pray for

  • God’s provision of new missionaries.
  • Deb to be a perfect match for Del and the transplant would happen soon.
  • Gods provision of sponsors for the orphans and day students.
  • The high school graduates as they transition into this next stage, and that they would find godly friends, a good church, and focus on their studies.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us and for supporting God’s work in Africa. If you are in Florida, we would love to have you visit us and to give you a tour of the Rafiki Foundation.

Please also pray that the Lord will provide more Rafiki Missionaries and more day student sponsors so that we can bring Bible study and classical Christian education to more needy children . Perhaps He is calling you to be the answer to one of those prayers? Visit to learn more.

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