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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf August 2020

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal
(Isaiah 26:4 NIV).

Del and I send our greetings and hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer. Here in Indiana we are having a beautiful summer. We have some updates we would like to share with you about ourselves and Rafiki Village Kenya.

The last couple months Del was having more fatigue and some light headedness. After seeing several doctors it was determined he needed to have bypass surgery. This came quickly and unexpectedly especially with COVID and hospital closures. So on June 30, Del had surgery. The surgery went well and Del is now home recovering. Because of the surgery and recovery time we decided to take our home off the market temporarily. It has been over five weeks from the surgery and the recovery is going well. We thank God for all the people that have been praying for us during this time. God is faithful. We are also thankful to say we are still planning on going to serve with Rafiki. The doctors at this point are giving us the okay after Del completes cardiac rehab. The Lord willing, we are tentatively looking at leaving the end of this year into the first of next year. Our original plan was to be in Kenya by now but we believe this delay is all part of God’s plan to get us ready to serve long term in Africa. The need is great and the calling is still there.

Rafiki Village Kenya is doing well during this time too. No one has been sick with COVID so far. As of now all the resident children are back in the Village. The preschool through grade twelve school is closed until January 2021. The residents are enjoying some academic enrichment, but the day students can not return yet. The Village has opened the library to parents to come and get reading material for their children. The Village has been sending curriculum to the parents using WhatsApp.

Security guard James and resident Grace

We are so thankful for the support financially and prayerfully that all of you have given to us and this ministry.

Prayer requests:

Del’s recovery and God’s perfect timing of when we are to leave for Kenya.

• Patience as we wait, wisdom in decisions, and the selling of our home in Indiana.

• Health and protection for the entire Kenya Village.

• School to open in January 2021.

To donate online:

Go to, select “Support a Missionary” from the drop down menu in the upper right, type our last name in the search bar, and it will bring up a link to our personal page, you can then enter the amount that you would like to give, or browse our page for information and newsletters.

To donate by check:

Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis FL 32727 with our name and missionary number (#251) in the memo line.

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