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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Kropf Apr 2020

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1 NIV).

Del and I send our greetings and hope that this newsletter finds you healthy and hunkered down in your home during this time. We would like to update you on our status in serving with Rafiki. In March we put our home in Goshen on the market and prepared ourselves to be moving soon. Then COVID-19 arrived which put everything on hold. Many of our talks and support raising events have been postponed. Del and I find great comfort knowing that God is in complete control.

This has been a time of us trusting in God as the Most High and Almighty. He is in complete control of when we go to Nairobi, Kenya. We had a young missionary say to us that “God will not have you in Nairobi a day sooner or later than the day He wants you there.” Those words have been an encouragement and given us confidence as we wait.

We would like to thank those of you who have contributed towards our Rafiki funds. Even while we wait and are unable to do support raising, the Lord through you has been adding to our fund. We are now close to fifty percent of the support we need to go. We trust that when God wants us there we will have full support. We are now looking at July or August before we go, God willing. On Sunday, March 29, we were commissioned by our home church Grace Community. They did the commissioning online via their live stream. Originally we were to be commissioned live in front of our church. God had other plans and by doing the commissioning online live we had more than 14,000 viewers. This commissioning was a great encouragement and reminder to Del and I that God still has a call on us and His timing is perfect.

We would like to give you some updates on the Rafiki Village Kenya at this time. The Village is on lockdown now and in compliance with government social-distancing and travel policies, the resident children are extending their regular school break home-stay time with relatives and foster church families. The missionaries are still there and are doing well and keeping busy with many projects around the Village. The Rafiki Home Office is working with the Rafiki Villages in Africa to continue sending out the Rafiki Bible Study to day students and parents in their ten countries and they are also looking for ways to continue some form of education. We pray that you will find rest during this time in the Almighty and trust that He is in complete control.

Prayer requests: For continued support and health, for patience and trust as we wait for God’s perfect timing, continued wisdom in our decision making, and lastly for God to bring us a buyer for our home.

To donate online: Go to , select “Support a Missionary” from the drop down menu in the upper right, type our last name in the search bar, and it will bring up a link to our personal page, you can then enter the amount that you would like to give or go browse our page for information and newsletters.

To donate by check: Send your check to the Rafiki Home Office at PO Box 1988, Eustis FL 32727 with our name and missionary number (#251) in the memo line.

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