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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koepke March 2021

See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you
(1 Thessalonians 5:15-18).

We have been praying for everyone who has seen more snow and ice than you have in years! We are grateful your cold snap did not last too long as we sit in our warm house here in Nigeria. Our family kept us updated with pictures on Facebook of the snow. We are so happy to see God’s provision for each of you.

For those who would not mind seeing less snow and more sunny days, you might consider serving God here in Africa. The Rafiki Foundation is taking applications for Short- and Long-Term Missionaries. This is an excellent opportunity to see God at work in the lives of school students and those who serve them in ten different African countries. If it is not possible for you to go in person, there are ways to help others who can go in your place. If interested, please visit the Rafiki website at

Our newest four Bingham University graduates will soon be serving a year of mandatory National Youth Service. We are praying they are posted in safe areas of Nigeria, and their service would honor God and equip them for whatever God has planned for their future.

Rafiki Executive Director Karen Elliott and all of our Bingham University students

Rafiki Home Office recently sent a prayer guide for 2021. The attribute of God we will focus on this year is GOD AS SAVIOR. “I myself am He! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded, and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39 NIV). Pray with us to glorify God, as Savior, in our lives.

We are thanking God for:

Doug’s travel to the Rafiki Village in Ghana to install and repair equipment—success in the work there, safety and health in travels.

Recent clashes between local tribes were short-lived.

Rafiki Foundation has forty-two new high school graduates and eight children from university.

Eighty-one of the Rafiki school teachers have completed at least one year of Rafiki Institute of Classical Education and they are good teachers!

Rafiki Sunday School materials were shipped for use in 603 churches in Uganda and Kenya.

Over 3,300 people studying the Bible daily at the ten Rafiki Villages.

Prayer requests:

Carolyn and Doug as we travel back to Abilene for furlough from March 21 to April 23.

Pray for us to grow in prayerfulness and to stay true to the gospel.

Rafiki children and staff to courageously display Christian attitudes and conduct.

Continued peace between local tribes.

Rafiki children and staff to trust in God as their provider and refuge, not men. 

Inflation would cease and importation of goods to resume.

A container shipped from Rafiki Home Office arrived in Lagos at the beginning of 2021 but is still stuck in port—pray for quick delivery to our Rafiki Village in Nigeria.

Protection for our children as they take a two-week-long break from school and spend time with their families.

Full funding for all Rafiki orphans and day students.

Serving with you at the Rafiki Village in Nigeria.

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