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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koepke June 2023

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

Nigerians wearing traditional tribal clothing for school assembly time

Solomon is the grounds-keeping manager and is responsible for tending the orchards, bushes, and landscaping of the site. He and his crew have installed approximately two miles of irrigation pipe to keep everything well-watered during the seven months of no rain each year. Between time spent pulling weeds and mowing, several hundred fruit trees were planted in the past few weeks. In addition, a greenhouse has recently been built and the first crop is now being enjoyed. Solomon commented on how much he has enjoyed being stretched in his role as a manager.


During the years of growing up in Rafiki, Chloe shared a house with a girl who has special needs. From this experience, Chloe realized she has what it takes to help special needs learners. Chloe graduated from Rafiki in 2019. She currently is attending the University of Jos (UniJos), studying special education. Very soon, she will go to Open Doors to begin practice teaching. Open Doors is a school for special needs learners, where Chloe’s Rafiki “sister” has attended school for many years. Chloe also says she likes braiding hair because it helps her meet many different types of people.


A new development for Doug is that Rafiki Home Office has asked him to join them in visiting the 10 Rafiki Villages to help assess facilities. A 2-week trip in May saw visits to Ghana, Liberia, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. Doug discovered he has a lot to learn!

Doug in Liberia with the Home Office team and new Rafiki graduates


  • Rainy season has begun, and farmers are returning to their fields.
  • During furlough, Carolyn was sick with asthma. She was treated and is back in Nigeria!
  • UniJos, where many of our children attend university, has been on strike for over a year. UniJos has resumed classes!

Prayer Requests

  • Rafiki Home Office trip to Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia will take place July 5-20. Pray for safety and health for the team. Three of the HO staff got sick on the last trip.
  • Evangelical Churches Winning All (ECWA) is a partner with Rafiki. ECWA has 30 schools in a predominately Muslim area of northern Nigeria. These schools need Bible study for their classrooms and Bibles for their students. Rafiki will be working to supply both of these resources. Please pray that the Rafiki Bible Study and 10,000 Bibles will make a great impact for the kingdom of God.
  • Rafiki needs 70 long-term missionaries. Please pray for those whom God has set aside for this work to hear His call and respond in faith.

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