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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koepke Apr 2020

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control
(2 Timothy 1:7 ).

Greetings from Doug and Carolyn!

We are praying you and your family are well during this pandemic that is literally covering our world as we know it. Both Carolyn, Doug, and everyone at our Rafiki Village are in great health. We continue to do the work God has called us to do at the Rafiki Village in Nigeria. We are preparing for the return of the Rafiki children from their school break. However, we must wait on word from the Nigerian Federal Government to tell us when school may resume.

Our Widows Program scrub caps were donated by Rafiki to a Florida hospital

These were made in Nigeria by needy ladies from the Women of Hope Ministry

We give thanks to God for:

• Admission of nineteen Rafiki graduates into UniJos (University of Jos) to study, including a young man who graduated two years ago.

• God’s provision and protection as Carolyn and Doug were in Ghana assisting for two weeks.

• Short-term missionaries were a great help in the schools and at RICE (teacher training program).

• Student and teacher morale has been at a steady increase.

• Generally healthy children.

Prayer Requests—Please pray for:

Peace to continue here, and God’s protection for all of us against the COVID-19 virus.

• We are in the process of arranging homework assignments for students to learn remotely to be sent out this week.

• Good health and study habits for all of our children as they are with their families.

• Salvation for all of our children and staff.

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