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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koch Sep 2019

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited  me, . . .”  (Matthew 25:35-36a).

Dear friends and family,

Rafiki Students giving their lunches to hospital patients
At the hospital

Last week during health class, S-2 (8th grade) were discussing nutrition and Teacher Marie closed with the above verse. The class began brainstorming: “We have food every day, and we know that there are many around us who are hungry. What can we do to help?” Within minutes, they came up with the idea to give their lunch to people in the nearby hospital. Now this may seem strange, but most hospitals in Africa do not provide food for their patients. The family must bring it. If you don’t have a family or friend, you don’t eat. But this Friday, 15 hungry patients were blessed by our students for thinking of them. And truly, the whole Village was touched by their compassion.

Rafiki students win the Rwanda national spelling bee
National spelling champion

So much has happened since our last newsletter. Since then, we were blessed with confident spellers at the National Bee. Donatha Mukashyaka (resident) won the senior division and will be going to Uganda for the African Bee on October 18th. Ivan Mucyo (day student) placed third in the primary division. Praise God for His rich grace to Rafiki School and the wonderful teachers who came to support our students!

Junior secondary students in Rwanda enjoy their library
Moving the library

Our Senior Secondary School now has wiring, plumbing, flooring, and doors! We will have a beautiful new school to use next year. We’ve also occupied the new Primary library which used to be the Samuel Cottage. I wish I could have captured the awe and wonder on Primary One’s face the first time they walked in. They literally stopped and gasped in amazement.

Rafiki Foundation Home Office Staff
Visiting Home Office team

We were also blessed by a brief visit from the Home Office. We thank God for all they do to keep us supplied with curriculum, advice, encouragement, and joy as we work together to disciple the next generation of godly contributors.

Rafiki missionary Mike Koch makes repairs
Up the pole

Two days after they left, we had a bad rainstorm, which made our lights do the calypso for several minutes and then fade away. The next morning, Mike was shimmying up electric poles to find the problem. The charred remains of a connector with melted wires crumbling away was replaced, and we’re back in business again.

Now the Village is filled with great excitement over this Friday’s Science Fair. Who will win? Will it be Eliya’s robot? Epa’s motorized boat? Muki and Jeanne’s combination cardboard safe? Dadi and Kevin’s hydraulic robotic arm? Stay tuned for the next episode!

So, there you have a brief look at what’s been happening in Rwanda. God has truly answered so many prayers, and we are so very blessed by your prayers and support. We truly appreciate the body of Christ at work in and through Rafiki.

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