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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koch March 2021

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:15-17).

Senior four (grade 10) is studying R.C. Sproul’s book, Everyone’s a Theologian. This week we studied the Holy Spirit, where Sproul wrote, “In stages—beginning with our regeneration and continuing throughout our lives in the process of sanctification, until it culminates in our glorification—the Holy Spirit accomplishes His work. The Holy Spirit initiates the crucial change in our character, then He nurtures it during our lives and finishes it at the end.”

Grade level ten students during Bible study

We took a moment and pondered this truth and Vicky asked them, “Have you seen evidence of His work in changing your character?” “Definitely!” And one by one, they began to reflect on His handiwork, sharing how God has moved them from pride and self-centeredness, to hearts of concern and love for others. Naomie shared, “I remember when I was young that one of my sisters was very mean to me and I secretly hoped that Mom would discover how bad she was and how good I was.” She laughed and said, “Now I see that we all struggle and we pray for each other and help each other. We are all much closer to God and each other now. It’s horrifying to look back to what we were!” The breath of life has brought great change in the students of Rafiki, and their faces melted in gratitude as we reflected all that God has done in them and through them. We experienced a Holy Ground moment together.

Yes, new buildings go up, including the upper primary school and the Science Lab, but the most significant and eternal work is the fearless, confident faith and passion many of our students have for Jesus. Wearing masks and standing a meter apart has not separated them from the love of God and the wonder for learning and creating.

Wiring the new primary building

Our beautiful new primary building

Speaking of creating, the Taj Mahal of chicken coops designed by senior three is in the process of construction. Creating a business plan, architectural drawings, and a bill of quantities has stimulated their entrepreneurial skills. We are looking forward to fresh eggs next term!

Carrying steel for the coop

Creating the walls for the coop

Our Biology students have been fascinated by the intricacy of a dissected frog and fish, which led them to dissect lizards, worms, and spiders. You overhear conversations like, “Why would God give a lowly worm five heart chambers?”

Passing through the classrooms, watching students confidently solve quadratic equations, speak beautiful French, write creative, insightful stories, unravel and identify parts of DNA, we stand amazed at God’s handiwork.

To think it all started in Early Childhood 1 (the 3-year-old class), where you hear them singing exuberantly, “Yes, Jesus loves me… the Bible tells me so.”

Thank you for your partnership in allowing us the privilege of experiencing God’s amazing grace! We appreciate you!

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