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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Koch Jun 2019

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Aeshylean, augenphilologie, chrysochlorous, and croquignole—the spelling lists for the National Spelling Bee arrived today, and this is a sample of the words. Donatha and Lilliane’s eyes widened when I handed it to them and Donatha shivered with delight, “Now these are real words! We can do this!” I will never cease to be amazed at the enthusiasm they have as we began to practice before they even had a chance to study them. They are off to a great start, while Sam and Ivan started memorizing their difficult words for the Primary National Spell Bee. Both bees will be at the National Convention Center June 21. Rafiki will have seven students attending, three for Kinyarwanda and four for English. Please pray that our students will reflect God’s glory and not be nervous.

Spelling Bee Contestants

So much has happened since we last wrote a newsletter. We have a new addition to our team. Sarah Freeman, music major and violist from Canton, Georgia, is currently teaching music and piano, and is adapting very well to life in Rwanda.

Mike and Fabien have been fervently working on wiring the new senior secondary school to keep ahead of the ceiling installers and painters. The school will be beautiful, and we are confident that it will be ready for next year when our tenth grade class will call it home.

Outside our window we hear a chronic new sound—scrinch, scrinch, scrinch, “Oh! Wow!” along with lots of laughter and cheers. Our resident boys dug a pit for a trampoline which has been great therapy after long days of school and studying. Their first attempts of jumping reminded us of wobbly-legged colts trying to walk for the first time, falling and crashing into each other. But now they have gained balance and confidence and can jump for hours.

Trampoline Fun

But the real joy in the midst of all this mayhem continues to be the growth of wisdom in our students. After Bible study in Psalms, hearing Bos say, “It feels like God is right here with us, that we are on holy ground.” Or hearing Senior Three (ninth graders) discuss Pascal’s Pensees, analyzing that true wisdom is knowing God, and hearing Esther burst out with, “How ridiculous it is for man to create something out of wood and then turn around and worship it. The created making a creation and declaring it to be a god? That makes no sense at all!” Watching them live out 2 Corinthians 10:5: “ We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ .”

We thank God for His work in Rafiki Rwanda. He truly has done amazing things. We thank you for your partnership, prayers and support that allow us to be here and serve Him. God bless you!

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