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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

Klauke Jun 2019

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing
(1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Warm greetings from a cold and wet Kenya! Finally the long, dry spell has ceased and we are enjoying the relief of rain and cooler weather. This is our first newsletter for 2019.

Look who’s turning 90!

No, not either of us (though some days we feel about 25 years older). Rosemary Jensen, founder and president of the Rafiki Foundation, will turn 90 on July 20, Lord willing. She had the grand vision to start this magnificent ministry over thirty years ago, and is still committed to “helping Africans know God.” She has recently started the Rosemary Jensen Bible Foundation which is providing tens of thousands of Bibles to Africa.

One morning the Village got together to snap a photo expressing our thanks and love for “Cûcû” (pronounced “sho-sho” which means grandmother) Rosemary.

Happy Birthday Cûcû Rosemary


Linda Lim, an Early Childhood teacher involved in Children’s Ministry in Singapore, came recently to help out in the Village. Little did she know what a great help she would be! She was involved in organizing play with the resident children, teacher training, setting up classrooms—even substitute teaching. One activity she planned for the teachers was to write words of encouragement on the back of a fellow teacher. It was an overwhelming success in getting teachers to express love and appreciation for each other that’s just not usually expressed on a day-to-day basis.

Linda Lim and some of our students

Writing words of encouragement

Peter Royek is a Senior Vice President of a major global insurance company who Paul used to work with in his “actuary days.” Pete came out and in one short week painted blackboards, programmed the new printer in the junior secondary school, tutored math and reading, and even taught second grade mathematics. He said he “truly felt God’s presence” here, and thinks about his experience at our Village every day.

Thanks again, Pete!

Our teachers are doing a superb job of “training children in the way they should go,” whether it’s reading out loud and providing a good place for them to read, teaching them to make triangles with flowers, or showing them some of God’s creatures up-close. We thank the Lord for each and every one of them!

Reading aloud to the children

A cozy reading corner

An early geometry lesson

God’s creatures up close!


One Friday afternoon we had a visit from the sixty-eight member Rift Valley Academy Orchestra. The orchestra consists of students at the Academy who played some select classical pieces and demonstrated their instruments to our students (and parents), all to the glory of God. Hopefully some of our students will be inspired to take up musical studies and pass along the superb gift of music.

Some of the pieces were a little too loud for some of the youngest members in the audience, so Elin took little David outside to comfort him. And it was not a hardship!

The end of 2019 will mark the end of our sixth two-year term, making it an “even dozen” years in Africa for us. We are thinking very strongly about making way for some younger missionaries to take our place. We will keep you informed.

Thank you so much for your steadfast and faithful encouragement, love, and support! May our Lord richly bless you from His right hand.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you ” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

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