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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work
Kinka Sep 2018

Kinka Sep 2018

Dear friends and family,

Through the Rafiki Foundation, I have been so blessed to be assigned to the Rafiki Village in Ethiopia for the next six months. The country is beautiful, but poverty is everywhere. We are so blessed to be able to take care of some very loving children who are orphaned at this Village. Groups of six to ten live in one of six cottages led by loving Rafiki Mothers. It is my privilege to be the ChildCare Administrator working with these mothers. I am with them at almost every meal and enjoy sharing Jesus with all of them.

Shortly after my arrival, I was pleased to meet Beth and Mike, who are missionaries sent to help us for two months. We have a connecting duplex sharing not only the laundry facilities, but becoming good friends. They are very experienced missionaires who have spent over ten years in India as their family grew up. They have been so helpful in helping me adjust to my new life in Ethiopia.

For me, I believe I have adjusted well so far with my new assignments of being a teacher to sixth grade children in math and science, in addition to seventh grade science while a teacher is on maternity leave.

The students are respectful and well behaved. Rafiki’s classical Christian education provided manuals and work-related material to assist me while I teach. I am very impressed with the curriculum.

I do covet your prayers as physically, it has been an adjustment to the food. I am having to be very careful in what I eat and drink, and I know as I continually pray, it will improve. Pray that I will be able to teach science and math successfully for the next month. Pray that the children will remain healthy. I do praise God that Beth and Mike are here and we have become good friends. Pray for our Village Administrator Amy and her husband Tekle as we start a new Ethiopian Year and school year. Pray for safety for all of us in Ethiopia.

Boys Dressed in their best

The Whole Group Dressed Up
Everyone dresses in their best for Ethiopian New Year celebrations

God loves you and I do too.