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Rafiki Foundation  |  God's Word at Work

King Sep 2019

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving”(Colossians 2:6-7).

Dear friends and family,

We have all been placed where we are for such a time as this. There are no mistakes with God and he has placed us where we are so that we can glorify his name and advance his kingdom throughout the world. It is my pleasure to serve the Lord in Kenya with the Rafiki Foundation and I have the great joy of being able to teach music at this wonderful classical Christian school in Nairobi. 

July was a busy month. Not only was I able to enjoy a wonderful trip home for my eldest sister’s wedding, but I also had the opportunity to travel with the Rafiki School choir to the National Music Festival here in Kenya. The choir has been practicing hard and their hard work paid off. They were very excited at the opportunity to travel up to Kabarak University in Nakuru to participate in the national competition. It was a long drive but the choir arrived ready to perform and put their best foot forward. Both the mixed choir and the boy’s choir performed well. Despite this being a new experience for them, they managed to place 4th in their categories. I thank God that they were able to have this opportunity, to perform with a high standard of excellence, and to represent Rafiki well.

Music Missionary in Kenya
National music festival

Rafiki Students Performing at Kenya's National Music Festival
Next to perform

The second term of school ended on August 2nd. At the end of each term, the school has a recitation for classes and individual students to present things that they have learned throughout the term. This recitation’s theme was music. I was so happy to accompany three of my violin students to begin the program. Three of my students put in extra effort and practice in order to prepare three hymns to present. They each performed a solo while I accompanied them on the piano. They did a wonderful job and have only been playing violin for seven months! I pray that they continue the hard work and that their enthusiasm will only continue to grow.

Classical Education in Kenya includes music
Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus

I also participated in the presentation with two short pieces at the end. Salome Palmer, a short-term missionary, accompanied me on the piano for one piece. Mr. Klauke, our headmaster here in Kenya, Salome, and I performed “The Flowers of Edinburgh” for the following piece. It was a lot of fun and it was a pleasure to work with other musicians to present the music. It has been a while since I have performed on stage.

Classical Education in Kenya
The Flowers of Edinburgh

It was a pleasure to have short-term missionaries visit this summer, and I pray that God will raise many more volunteers to come and be a part of his work here in Kenya.

Prayer Requests:

– For a smooth start to our third term at the end of August

– For God to encourage, strengthen, and renew the energies of the Kenya team as we continue in our efforts to promote excellence and integrity in education at Rafiki School Kenya

– For my violin studio to continue in growth and in excellence

– For the second Church Music Seminar to be successful

– That God would use this Village to bring glory to his name

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